2021年1月12日,NCCN Guidelines Ovarian Cancer更新了。本次更新只涉及指南讨论部分,而且仅聚焦于上皮性卵巢癌。讨论部分上次更新是在2017年11月11日,本次更新的版本列为Version 2.2020 Ovarian Cancer ,即2020年第二版,并非标注为2021年新...
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Ovarian Cancer. Version 1.2020. Available online at Sessa C, Schneider DT, Planchamp F, Baust K, Braicu EI, Concin N, Godzinski J, McCluggage WG, ...
2021 Ovarian Cancer Presented with support from: Available online at NCCN.org/patients Ü Ovarian Cancer Its easy to get lost in the cancer world Let NCCN Guidelines for Patients® be your guide 9 Step-by-step guides to the cancer care options likely to have the best results 9 Base...
版权归©2021NationalComprehensiveCancerNetwork,Inc公司所有。 NCCN指南索引 NCCN Guidelines Version2.2021 目录 卵巢癌 讨论 肿瘤治疗新技术新方法日新月异,瞬间手里的资料已被更新或再版。“单 肿瘤医生同行互帮互助群内利用AI技术,24小时在线自动派发 打独斗”的时代已经过去,靠个人去收集最新资料,着实困难。为了...
NCCN肿瘤学临床实践指南 NCCN指南包括输卵管癌和原发性腹膜癌2021.v22021年8月17日NCCN.orgNCCN患者指南 ,网址:patients继续本指南由邱立新医生团队翻译仅供个人学习使用,严禁用于商业,请于下载后24小时删
NCCN treatment guidelines for ovarian cancer: A population-based validation study of structural and process quality measures. Presented at: Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer; Los Angeles, CA; March 11, 2013. Gynecol Oncol. 2013;130(1);e18. Available at: http://...
NCCNClinicalPracticeGuidelinesinOncologyNCCN肿瘤学临床实践指南(NCCNGuidelines指南?) 子宫肿瘤UterineNeoplasms 版本3.2021年-2021年6月3日2021—June03,2021 NCCN.org NCCN患者使用指南GuidelinesforPatients?available用于at /patients Continu e Version3.2021,06/03/21?2021NationalComprehensiveCancerNetwork(NCCN),All...
Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Rectal Cancer Soft Tissue Sarcoma Squamous Cell Skin Cancer Stomach Cancer Thyroid Cancer Uterine Cancer Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia NCCN Guidelines with NCCN Evidence Blocks™ NCCN Framework for Resource Stratification of NCCN Guidelines...
I use it by the label. Surgical debulking is important, but if you have stage III/IV ovarian cancer, you’re going to get bevacizumab up front and then tailor with maintenance therapy. Obviously, that’s not what the NCCN says. They have a very nice algorithm where they look at upfront...
Ovarian Cancer “The results of the studies are impressive. They suggest we may be changing the natural history of ovarian cancer by giving PARP inhibitors to women withBRCA-mutated ovarian cancer.” —Joyce F. Liu, MD, MPH Joyce F. Liu, MD, MPH ...