basic local alignment search toollushan wang2010.11.24 1以生物学信息为主检索数据entrez 2以序列为主检索相关信息blast 生物信息学时代blast相当于分子生物学进代的pcr技
Example application: Genome attributes viewer An interactive web application based onfastsubtreeswas developed usingdash. It allows to graphically display the distribution of values of attributes in subtrees of the NCBI taxonomic tree. It is a separate Python package, which can be installed usingpip...
42、s2006:2007 Modification DateNucleotidebiomol_mrnaPropertiesbiomol_genomicPropertiesRun SearchBLAST Formatting Page Conserved Domain ResultsBLAST Output: Graphical Overviewmouse overSort by taxonomyTaxBLAST: Taxonomy ReportsTaxBLAST: Distance tree of resultsBLAST Output: DescriptionsLink to entrezSor 43、ted...