其他一些经典的类似OMIM, GENE, GEO, SNP, SRA这些有需要了解的。可以自己百度一下。
NCBI Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Finder (AMRFinderPlus) This software and the accompanying database are designed to find acquired antimicrobial resistance genes and point mutations in protein and/or assembled nucleotide sequences. We have also added "plus" stress, heat, and biocide resistance and vi...
Stay updated with important account notifications by subscribing to our email and text messaging service. Receive periodic messages related to your account activity, including payment options, payment reminders, past due reminders, and payment confirmations. ...
Finally,entrez_db_linkstakes a database name, and returns a list of other NCBI databases which might contain linked-records. entrez_db_links("omim") # Databases with linked records for database 'omim' # [1] biosample biosystems books clinvar dbvar # [6] gene genetests geoprofiles gtr ho...
该数据库是将血型抗原基因突变数据库(Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database)中的资源与NCBI中的相关资源整合到一起组建而成的。 dbRBC数据库里收录的每一个基因都有详细的信息,还有国际输血学会(ISBT)通过等位基因命名法对血型等位基因的命名。 上述这三个数据库都带有多序列比对工具、分析纯合型或杂合型序列...
5.1.1 Gene Gene数据库为用户提供基因序列注释和检索服务,还会链接到NCBI的Map Viewer、Evidence Viewer、ModelMaker、BLAST Link (Blink)、protein domains from the Conserved DomainDatabase(CDD)等数据库资源以及其它与基因相关的资源。Entrez Gene数据库收录了来自5300多...
database: ['pubmed', 'protein', 'nucleotide', 'nuccore', 'nucgss', 'nucest', 'structure', 'genome', 'books', 'cancerchromosomes', 'cdd', 'gap', 'domains', 'gene', 'genomeprj', 'gensat', 'geo', 'gds', 'homologene', ...
目前,NCBI分类法中有167个细菌和39个古细菌的非正式名称被归入这个级别。NCBI分类法是对公共序列数据库中所有生物的分类和命名,目前这只代表了地球上已知生命的10%。 ICNP新调整的规则(规则8)要求所有正式的等级名称都要在指定类型属的名称的词干上加上后缀“-ota”。