packages/nc-gui/components/smartsheet/toolbar/ViewActionMenu.vue Show comments View file Edit file Delete file Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -176,18 +176,30 @@ const onDelete = async () => { <NcDivider /> <NcMenuItem v-if="lockType !== LockType.Lo...
kernel会将开机信息存储在ring buffer中。您若是开机时来不及查看信息,可利用dmesg来查看。开机信息亦保存在/var/log目录中,名称为dmesg的文件里。 参数: -c 显示信息后,清除ring buffer中的内容。 -s<缓冲区大小> 预设置为8196,刚好等于ring buffer的大小。 -n 设置记录信息的层级。 dmesg -s131072> /var/...
North Carolina Real Estate Commission Street Address: 1313 Navaho Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 17100, Raleigh, NC 27619-7100 Telephone: 919.875.3700 License Renewal Website License Lookup Website CE Information Contact NC Real Estate Commission...
apiVersion: kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: keycloak-ext namespace: istio-ingress spec: exportTo: - '*' hosts: - keycloak-http.idp.svc.cluster.local location: MESH_EXTERNAL ports: - name: tcp-keycloak-port number: 8443 protocol: TCP resolution: DNS --- api...
Foralongmanpage,pressthespacebartoviewsuccessivescreenfulsoftext.Toclosethe manpage,typethe“q”key(for“quit”). Toseethemanpages,theMANPATHenvironmentvariablemustbeproperlyset.InaCshell, addthefollowinglinetothe.cshrcfile: setenvMANPATH$SYNOPSYS_NCX_ROOT/ncx/man InaBourne,Korn,orBashshell,addthefo...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2Dec ...
答: public void onCatagoryBachPrint(String ssc_retail_gspmntn_id) throws BusinessException { IUAPQueryBS iUAPQueryBS = (IUAPQueryBS) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IUAPQueryBS.class.getName()); String sql = select distinct make_org,inv_owner,maker,catagory,com_goods_catagory_id,make_date +...
By not setting the registers manually in bar(), A and B would effectively be function arguments. Or you could use the stack for function arguments. And return values. Or use both registers and the stack. The point is, you are free to do deal with them in any way you want. At least...
Lookup Match Max MDeterm MDuration Median Min MInverse MIrr MMult Mode Mode_Mult Mode_Sngl MRound MultiNomial Munit NegBinom_Dist NegBinomDist NetworkDays NetworkDays_Intl Nominal Norm_Dist Norm_Inv Norm_S_Dist Norm_S_Inv NormDist NormInv NormSDist NormSInv NPer Npv NumberValue Oct2Bin Oct2Dec Oct...
Hardware serial number of virtual disk in hyper-v Heartbeat: Lost Communication Help understanding CPU usage/resource Hide Connection Bar in Virtual Machine Connection High ping latency on Windows Server 2012 virtual machine on Hyper-v Host 2019 standard, 2 VM's with 2016 - cannot activate? 0xC0...