IBillcodeManageiBillcodeManage=(IBillcodeManage) NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IBillcodeManage.class.getName()); StringbillNo=iBillcodeManage.getBillCode_RequiresNew("YX72","集团主键","组织主键",newBXHeaderVO()); 2.主键 KeyGenerator.getInstance().getKey(20); ...
Define NC. NC synonyms, NC pronunciation, NC translation, English dictionary definition of NC. abbr. 1. no charge 2. no credit 3. or N.C. North Carolina American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Hough
(true); try { OnhandVO[] onhandVOs = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IOnhandQry.class).queryOnhand(onhandQryCond); if (ValueCheckUtil.isNullORZeroLength(onhandVOs)) { return null; } return onhandVOs;//返回查询到的现存量信息 } catch (BusinessException e) { ExceptionUtils.wrappException(...
2.1 通过IOnhandUpdate更新现存量 IOnhandUpdate update = NCLocator.getInstance().lookup(IOnhandUpdate.class); update.modifyOnhandNum(onhandVOs); 1. 2. 3.界面操作 3.1 根据model获取当前选中的表头表体数据 AggPriceAdjustHeadVO aggVO = (AggPriceAdjustHeadVO)this.model.getSelectedData(); PriceAdjustH...
North Carolina Real Estate Commission Street Address: 1313 Navaho Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 17100, Raleigh, NC 27619-7100 Telephone: 919.875.3700 License Renewal Website License Lookup Website CE Information Contact NC Real Estate Commission...
ZIP Code Other FREE Lookups Lookup ZIP Code of any City, State, County or Area Code FREE Radius Search Find all ZIP Codes Radius: 30 miles FREE Distance Calc Calculate the distance between two U.S. or Canadian ZIP codes. ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats...
Bar Chart showing Average Income per Household for all ZIPs in Vass, NC, the U.S. Census Place, Moore County, the state of North Carolina, and the United States National Average.Load Chart Source: U.S. Census 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECON...
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1030 Got error 194 \"Tablespace is missing for a table\" from storage engine InnoDB","exception":{},"CustomMessage":"An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1030 Got error 194 \"Tablespace is missing for a table\" ...
delay_model:table_lookup; date:6-DEC-2006; revision:0.000000; time_unit:1ns; voltage_unit:1V; pulling_resistance_unit:1kohm; current_unit:1uA; nom_voltage:1.260000; nom_temperature:-40.000000; nom_process:1.000000; input_threshold_pct_rise:50.000000; output_threshold_pct_rise:50.000000; input...
ui.uif2.ShowStatusBarMsgUtil; import nc.ui.uif2.UIState; import nc.ui.uif2.editor.TemplateContainer; /** * 结算动作处理类 */ public class SettleAction extends DefaultQueryAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6056032772997320409L; private ISettleMaintain iSettleMaintain; ...