2004. Plant disease resistance protein signaling: NBS-LRR proteins and their partners. Curr Opin Plant Biol 7(4): 391-399.Belkhadir Y, Subramaniam R. and Dangl JL. 2004. Plant disease resistance protein signaling: NBS-LRR proteins and their patems. CUff Opin In Plant BioI 7: 391-399....
Ultimately, we identified the Vitis vinifera Colletotrichum resistance protein (VvCRP) markers from chromosome 3, which belongs to the CC-NBS-LRR type, as disease-resistant proteins. These markers were verified as the melting peak, and their chromatograms of nucleotide sequences were visualized in ...
2 结果 2.1 AhNDrp全长基因的获得与序列分析 本实验室经转录组测序,获得一条 1 970 bp 的 EST 序列(contig281453),在 NCBI 上进行比对,注 释为 NBS-LRR 型抗逆性蛋白(NBS-LRR type disease resistance protein). 将该序列与 http://peanutbase.org 网站上公布的花生基因组序列进行比对,根据比对 结果设计...
TIR等。依据保守序列设计引物寻找抗病基因类似物(Resistance Gene Analog, RGA),从而定位或克隆抗病基因在理论上是可行的,这种方法称为R基因同源克 隆法。RGA往往与已知抗病基因具有很高的相似性,均含有LRR、NBS或蛋白激 酶中的保守基序,有的与已知抗病基因连锁,或是抗性基因家族中的成员,抑或 ...
Panicle blast 1 (Pb1) is a panicle blast resistance gene that confers a durable non-race-specific blast resistance to rice. Despite being non-R, Pb1 also encodes a CC-NB-LRR protein. Pb1 specifically interacts with rice WRKY45, a transcription factor (TF) in the rice salicylic acid ...
Expression of the membrane- associated resistance protein RPW8 enhances basal defense against biotrophic pathogens[J]. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 2007, 20(8): 966-976. [5]Xiao S, Brown S, Patrick E, et al. Enhanced transcription of the Arabidopsis disease resistance genes rpw8. 1 and rp...
protein withresistanceto Verticillium dahliae,provedby bothinvitroand by RNAi.The three.dimensionalmodelofGbarvinandits biological functionare predicted. Keywords:Gossypium barbadense,NBS—LRR RGAs,Gbarvin RNAi,Structural predication. 111 缩写一览表 ...
摘要: NBS-LRR类基因家族是植物抗病R基因(Resistance gene)数量最多的一类, 具有NBS (Nucleotide-binding site)和LRR (Leucine-leucine-repeat)结构域。甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)栽培种基因组已完成测序, 但尚未注释, 本研究对甘薯 基因组序列进行外显子预测, 得到甘薯染色体组全基因组蛋白序列, 在此基础上进一步对NBS...
Pi64 protein is localized in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. Furthermore, introgression of Pi64 into susceptible cultivars via gene transformation and marker-assisted selection conferred high-level and broad-spectrum leaf and neck blast resistance to indica-sourced isolates, demonstrating its potential ...
The protein RPM1 detects the phosphorylation of RIN4 by AvrB and AvrRpm1 and elicits the resistance response. This outcome can be blocked by AvrRpt2, a protease that cleaves RIN4. The disappearance of RIN4 is detected by RPS2, resulting in elicitation of the defense response. Full size ...