2004. Plant disease resistance protein signaling: NBS-LRR proteins and their partners. Curr Opin Plant Biol 7(4): 391-399.Belkhadir Y, Subramaniam R. and Dangl JL. 2004. Plant disease resistance protein signaling: NBS-LRR proteins and their patems. CUff Opin In Plant BioI 7: 391-399....
Despite being non-R, Pb1 also encodes a CC-NB-LRR protein. Pb1 specifically interacts with rice WRKY45, a transcription factor (TF) in the rice salicylic acid signaling pathway, through its CC domain, and that this interaction is important for the blast resistance conferred by Pb1. ...
No crystal structures have been determined for any part of a plant NBS-LRR protein; crystal structures of mammalian NBS and LRR domains are, however, available as templates for homology-modeling approaches. The amino-terminal domain There is little experimental information on the function of the ...
NRG1, a CC-NB-LRR protein, together with N, a TIR-NB-LRR protein, mediates resistance against tobacco mosaic virus[J]. Curr Biol, 2005, 15(10): 968-973. [28]Grant JJ, Chini A, Basu D, et al. Targeted activation tagging of the Arabidopsis NBS-LRR gene, ADR1, conveys resistance ...
结构类型,通过Pfam 网站(Theproteinfamilies database,http://.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/),根 据NBS 类型基因的N 一端结构和LRR 结构的不同,将 NBS.LRR 类基因进行分类. 通过Pfam 数据库进行系统分析得到的NBS—LRR 蛋白质结构域表现形式,进一步分析NBS.LRR 类蛋 白上所存在的其他结构域. 1.2...
TIR, CC, NBS, or LRR motifs using the Pfam (Protein fam ily) database (http://pfam.wustl.edu/hmmsearch.shtml), SMART pro- tein motif analyses (Simple M odular A rchitecture R esearch T ool, http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/; Schultz et al. 1998), COILS, a program designed speci...
Pi64, Encoding a Novel CC-NBS-LRR Protein, Confers Resistance to Leaf and Neck Blast in Rice Pi64, Encoding a Novel CC-NBS-LRR Protein, Confers Resistance to Leaf and Neck Blast in RiceRice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae poses a maNSTL... - 《Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions》 ...
2 结果 2.1 AhNDrp全长基因的获得与序列分析 本实验室经转录组测序,获得一条 1 970 bp 的 EST 序列(contig281453),在 NCBI 上进行比对,注 释为 NBS-LRR 型抗逆性蛋白(NBS-LRR type disease resistance protein). 将该序列与 http://peanutbase.org 网站上公布的花生基因组序列进行比对,根据比对 结果设计...
Novel NBS-2, NBS-3, PYRIN-12/NBS-4, and NBS-5 polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acid molecules are disclosed. In addition to isolated NBS-2, NBS-3, PYRIN-12/NBS-4, and NBS-5 proteins, the invention further provides NBS-2, NBS-3, PYRIN-12/NBS-4, and NBS-5 fusion proteins, ...