如下图所示,Recast Navigation 中的导航网格的构建,可分为六部分:体素化 (Voxelization)、筛选可行走表面 (Walkables Surface) 、划分可行走表面为简单区域( Simple Region)、生成轮廓 (Contour) 、生成多边形网格 (Polygon Mesh)、生成细节网格 (Detailed Mesh)。Notes...
The text box displays None when the NavMesh Surface does not contain NavMesh data. The text box displays Missing if you delete the asset file from the Project window and don't use Clear first. Clear Remove the asset file where the NavMesh is stored. Use this button also when you plan...
The text box displaysNonewhen the NavMesh Surface does not contain NavMesh data. The text box displaysMissingif you delete the asset file from the Project window and don't useClearfirst. ClearRemove the asset file where the NavMesh is stored. ...
NavMeshSurface: NavMeshCollectSources2d NavMeshCollectRootSources2d NavMeshCacheSources2d Utilities NavMeshExtensionsProvider.cs NavMeshBuilder2d.cs NavMeshExtension.cs NavMeshBuilderState.cs Setup You can use this in two different ways: downloading this repository or adding it to your project's Packag...
In repo you will find implementation of NavMeshSurface and 2d Extensions for tilemap, sprites and collider2d top down games. To use it in your project: Copy repo into your Asset folder (or install as a package). Create Empty Object in scene root. Add "Navigation Surface" component to Emp...
In repo you will find implementation of NavMeshSurface2d for tilemap top down games. To use it in your project: Copy repo into your Asset folder Create Empty Object in scene root and rotated respectively to Tilemap (x-90;y0;z0)
NavMeshSurface– for building and enabling a NavMesh surface for one agent type. NavMeshModifier– affects the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types, based on the transform hierarchy. NavMeshModifierVolume– affects the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types, based on volume. ...
NavMeshSurface –for building and enabling a NavMesh surface for one agent type. NavMeshModifier –affects the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types, based on the transform hierarchy. NavMeshModifierVolume –affects the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types, based on volume. NavMeshLink ...
Using This Repository Components for Runtime NavMesh Building Here we introduce four components for the navigation system: NavMeshSurface– for building and enabling a NavMesh surface for one agent type. NavMeshModifier– affects the NavMesh generation of NavMesh area types, based on the transform...