Navien's NPE-A2 condensing tankless water heaters include a patented built-in buffer tank, recirculating pump & fine-tuned controls for comfort & convenience.
NPE‑A2 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Can I use ½” gas pipe with the NPE-2 condensing gas tankless water heater? Does the NPE-2 condensing tankless gas water heater have to be the first appliance off the gas meter? What type of venting can I use for the NPE-2 condensing tankless...
Cost**NPE-180A-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678380Yes 0.970.96 4.3176 $192NPE-180A-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678380Yes 0.970.96 4.3193 $465NPE-210A-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678381Yes 0.970.96 5.0176 $192NPE-210A-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678381Yes 0.970.96 5.0193 $465NPE-240A...
(3) Plus NPE-A2 with Ext Recirculation with Dishwasher Booster Heater and Domestic Water Revit English NPE-A2 Revit Accessories- RVT NPE-2 Outdoor Vent Cap Revit NPE-2 Pipe Cover Revit Certifications English NPE-180A2 AHRI Certificate NPE-210A2 AHRI Certificate NPE-240A2 AHRI Certificate ...
Operating Cost HERS and LEED Specifications NPE‑S2 VideosNPE-240S2 Featured Reviews Joel Moseley Jack Rohmer Couldn’t be more satisfied. Scott Very quiet and instant hot water at all of my fixtures! With my old water heater, you had to wait and wait for it to get hot! We have 3 sh...