Navien's NPE-A2 condensing tankless water heaters include a patented built-in buffer tank, recirculating pump & fine-tuned controls for comfort & convenience.
NPE‑A2 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Can I use ½” gas pipe with the NPE-2 condensing gas tankless water heater? Does the NPE-2 condensing tankless gas water heater have to be the first appliance off the gas meter? What type of venting can I use for the NPE-2 condensing tankless...
Cost**NPE-180A-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678380Yes 0.970.96 4.3176 $192NPE-180A-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678380Yes 0.970.96 4.3193 $465NPE-210A-NG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678381Yes 0.970.96 5.0176 $192NPE-210A-LPG Yes Yes Yes Yes 6678381Yes 0.970.96 5.0193 $465NPE-240A...
(3) Plus NPE-A2 with Ext Recirculation with Dishwasher Booster Heater and Domestic Water Revit English NPE-A2 Revit Accessories- RVT NPE-2 Outdoor Vent Cap Revit NPE-2 Pipe Cover Revit Certifications English NPE-180A2 AHRI Certificate NPE-210A2 AHRI Certificate NPE-240A2 AHRI Certificate ...
NPE-180S2 QuickFacts Dimensions Certification Summary Temperature Rise DHW Capacity Operating Cost HERS and LEED Specifications NPE‑S2 VideosNPE-240S2 Featured Reviews Joel Moseley Jack Rohmer Couldn’t be more satisfied. Scott Very quiet and instant hot water at all of my fixtures! With my old...