Over the past two decades, more than 80 metropolitan cities across the world have faced severe water shortages due to droughts and unsustainable water use. Future projections are even more alarming, since urban water crises are expected to escalate and most heavily affect those who are socially, ...
O4, NHH3 and NHH6. Water was passed through 0.22-μm SVGPL10 RC Sterivex GP filters (EMD Milipore) until filters clogged in the following amounts: O1, 1,350 ml; O4, 1,350 ml; NHH3
Spring Valley Calcium Citrate Tablets Dietary Supplement, 600 mg, 300 Count +2 options Available in additional 2 options $9.77 current price $9.77 3.3 ¢/ea Spring Valley Calcium Citrate Tablets Dietary Supplement, 600 mg, 300 Count 6134.7 out of 5 Stars...
B., Price, M. S. & Alspaugh, J. A. Transcription factor Nrg1 mediates capsule formation, stress response, and pathogenesis in Cryptococcus neoformans. Eukaryot. Cell 5, 1147–1156 (2006). Article CAS Google Scholar Stanton, B. C., Giles, S. S., Staudt, M. W., Kruzel, E. K. ...
Some misfolded protein conformations can bypass proteostasis machinery and remain soluble in vivo. This is an unexpected observation, as cellular quality control mechanisms should remove misfolded proteins. Three questions, then, are: how do long-lived,
Find Water COOT program was originally used to add water molecules, but each water was individually assessed to ensure they fit the 2Fo - Fc density at 1σ57. Molprobity was utilized to evaluate the final model of the structure and ensure its quality58. The coordinates are deposited in the...
The 10× VBMM solution was diluted as required in sterile milliQ water. A 1 ml aliquot of a 1000× trace metals solution was added per liter of VBMM. The 1000× trace metals solution contained 2 mM FeCl3·6H2O, 1 mM MnCl2·4H2O, 0.05 mM Zn(NO3)2·6H2O, 1 mM ...
ofE. circodiais a thin support which attaches the seeds to the main body of the plant, and as it desiccates curls into a spring, storing elastic energy. At a critical point, this material cracks and the elastic energy is released. This behaviour is illustrated in Fig.1, as recorded and...
et al. New algorithms and methods to estimate maximum-likelihood phylogenies: assessing the performance of PhyML 3.0. Syst. Biol. 59, 307–321 (2010). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Price, M. N., Dehal, P. S. & Arkin, A. P. FastTree 2—approximately maximum-likelihood trees for...
Briefly, the optical traps were created at the focal plane of a water-immersion objective (60×, NA = 1.2, Plan Apo, Nikon) using an AOD-modulated optical micromanipulation unit (SENSOCELL, Impetux Optics) coupled to the rear epi-fluorescence port of an inverted microscope (Eclipse Ti2...