Nature Materials Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1476-1122.
学科:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ18 / 438 98.29% 学科:NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGYSCIEQ13 / 140 98.21% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR...
Nature Nanotechnology的发文量也很小,影响因子稳定在30左右。 Nature Reviews Chemistry 发文量统计 影响因子统计 Nature Reviews Chemistry是一本仅限在线的期刊,每周出版一次有关化学所有学科的综述。因为创刊时间不久,因此Nature Reviews Chemistry的各方面数据还有待完善。 Nature Reviews Materials 发文量统计 影响因子统...
Nature Reviews Materials builds on the success of Nature Materials (2013 Impact Factor 36.425).* As the first Nature Reviews title in the physical sciences, the new journal adds to a current portfolio of 16 titles in the life and clinical sciences and will uphold the same exceptionally high ed...
Nature Reviews Chemistry是一本仅限在线的期刊,每周出版一次有关化学所有学科的综述。因为创刊时间不久,因此Nature Reviews Chemistry的各方面数据还有待完善。 Nature Reviews Materials 发文量统计 影响因子统计 Nature Reviews Materials是一本仅限在线的期刊,每周出版材料科学内所有科学学科的综述。
Energy & Environmental Materials为13.443; Electrochemical Energy Reviews为32.804。 前600位如下: 影响因子计算公式 分子:期刊前两年发表的所有论文被引用次数的总和。引文来源为 Web of Science 核心合集,包括SCIE、SSCI、艺术与人文引文索引(AHCI)、会议论文引文索引(CPCI)、图书引文索引(BKCI)和Emerging Sources Citat...
O3-type layered oxides are promising intercalative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries. Here, authors analyze the interlayer spacings of a family of oxides and propose an intrinsic structural parameter to serve as a measure of cycling stability. Meng Li , Haoxiang Zhuo & Biwei Xiao Article...
For example, Nature Materials has a 2020 impact factor of 43.84. Why is its 2020 impact factor in Scimago is 21.98? I am also wondering, how are "citations per document" for 2021 are available even before the publication of Web of Science 2021 impact factors on June 30, 2022. Thank ...
Nature Reviews Materials volume 5, pages 482–500 (2020)Cite this article 11k Accesses 19 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites have been intensively researched in the past decade for their optoelectronic properties. The emergence of Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites, which ...
Two types of paper contribute most to the calculation of a high impact factor—original research papers that report significant or conceptually novel results, and reviews that encapsulate entire bodies of previously reported research, both of which are published by Nature Materials. 原文传递 原文传递...