Materials research is a diverse and fast-growing discipline, which has moved from a largely applied, engineering focus to a position where it has an increasing impact on other classical disciplines such as physics, chemistry and biology. Nature Materials covers all applied and fundamental aspects of...
National Science Review由17.275变为23.178; Science Bulletin由11.78变为20.577; Energy Storage Materials为20.831; Carbon Energy为21.556; Journal of Energy Chemistry为13.599; InfoMat为24.798; Energy & Environmental Materials为13.443; Electrochemical Energy Reviews为32.804。 前600位如下: 影响因子计算公式 分子:...
For example, Nature Materials has a 2020 impact factor of 43.84. Why is its 2020 impact factor in Scimago is 21.98? I am also wondering, how are "citations per document" for 2021 are available even before the publication of Web of Science 2021 impact factors on June 30, 2022. Thank ...
Having an impact, July 2013. Citation analyses can condense scholarly output into numbers, but they do not live up to peer review in the evaluation of scientists. Online usage statistics and commenting could soon enable a more refined assessment of scientific impact. Nature Materials. Measuring ...
O3-type layered oxides are promising intercalative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries. Here, authors analyze the interlayer spacings of a family of oxides and propose an intrinsic structural parameter to serve as a measure of cycling stability. Meng Li , Haoxiang Zhuo & Biwei Xiao Article...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
Materials Chemistry A 242 Information Fusion 243 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 244 Molecular Cancer 245 JAMA Surgery 246 Advances in Applied Mechanics 247 PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY 248 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW 249 TRENDS IN GENETICS 250 EMBO Molecular Medicine 243,793 11,039 3,280 52,970 38,502 12...
比较突出的是National Science Review(NSR),2016年收获的第一个影响因子就高达8,之后一路高歌猛进,去年达到9.408,今年则更是有望一举超过Nature Communications。NSR当属国产期刊的荣耀,且让我们拭目以待。 II. 材料类 Nature家族的两大新刊表现极为抢眼。Nature Reviews Materials去年收获了第一个IF,高达51.941,直接...
Carbon nanotubes used for renewable energy applications and environmental protection/remediation: a review. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 136, 021601 (2013). Zheng, M. et al. Carbon nanotube-based materials for lithium–sulfur batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 7, 17204–17241 (2019). Article CAS ...
The challenge of studying interfaces in battery materials The lack of standardization in the protocols used to assess the physicochemical properties of the battery electrode surface layer has led to data dispersion and biased interpretation in the literature. Here I propose guidelines for investigating ...