Nature Reviews Physics volume 4, pages 380–398 (2022)Cite this article 8303 Accesses 47 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract In active matter systems, individual constituents convert energy into non-conservative forces or motion at the microscale, leading to morphological features and transport properties...
We discuss the emergent physics phenomena observed in architected materials that are analogous to those in classical materials, such as the formation and behaviour of defects, phase transformations and topologically protected properties. Finally, we offer a perspective on the future of architected ...
Whether the neutrino mass ordering is normal or inverted remains an experimentally open issue in neutrino physics. The knowledge of neutrino mass ordering
Physics 144 MOLECULAR CELL 145 Nature Geoscience 146 Alzheimers & Dementia 147 NEURON 148 Materials Horizons 6,301 30,782 12,706 9,377 9,377 30,485 1,540 17,448 8,086 11,762 18,176 14,380 7,980 161,827 63,074 50,710 50,710 10,134 27,095 27,095 10,894 10,894 6,109 6,...
We coherently control the qubits using electrically driven spin resonance10,11 in isotopically enriched silicon12 28Si, attaining single-qubit gate fidelities of 98.6 per cent and a coherence time of 2 microseconds during ‘hot’ operation, comparable to those of spin qubits in natural silicon at...
The physics of financial networks 论文链接: 目录 摘要 内容要点 一、网络结构 二、金融网络动力学 三、金融网络的统计物理 四、结论和观点 专业词汇列表 参考文献 摘要 内容要点 金融系统网络建模对于捕捉金融机构之间的复杂关系至关重要。 金融机构之间存在多种关系,并且不断变化,因此金融网络是一个时序多层网络(...
The physics of financial networks 论文链接: 目录 摘要 内容要点 一、网络结构 二、金融网络动力学 三、金融网络的统计物理 四、结论和观点 专业词汇列表 参考文献 摘要 内容要点 金融系统网络建模对于捕捉金融机构之间的复杂关系至关重要。 金融机构之间存在多种关系,并且不断变化,因此金融网络是一个时序多层网络(...
𝐶𝑃-violating h couplings, like 𝜅̃, are particularly interesting as any sign of 𝐶𝑃 violation in Higgs processes would constitute an indisputable New Physics (NP) signal. Existing data on Higgs production and decays is already precise enough to constrain any isolated modification of ...
相关研究结果“Re-designing Interleukin-12 to enhance its safety and potential as an anti-tumor immunotherapeutic agent”于11月9日在线发表于国际著名期刊《Nature》子刊《Nature Communications》(影响因子为12.124)上。郑州大学为第一作者单位,基础医学院王鹏举老师为第一作者,王尧河教授为通讯作者。研究工作得到了...
2021年6月,Nature Reviews Physics 发表长文综述“金融网络的物理学”,探讨了统计物理学、网络科学和经济学的深刻联系。 研究领域:金融网络,金融传染,网络科学,统计物理学,信息论 Marco Bardoscia et al. | 作者 冯子健 | 译者 张澳、梁金 | 审校 邓一雪 | 编辑 论文题目: The physics of financial networks...