Thermalization is a ubiquitous process of statistical physics, in which a physical system reaches an equilibrium state that is defined by a few global properties such as temperature. Even in isolated quantum many-body systems, limited to reversible dynamics, thermalization typically prevails1. However...
The nature of dark matter—an invisible substance comprising over 80% of the mass of the Universe1,2—is one of the most profound mysteries of modern physics. Although evidence for the existence of dark matter comes from its gravitational interactions, unravelling its nature likely requires observi...
16. Roldán, E., Martínez, I. A., Parrondo, J. M. R. & Petrov, D. Universal features inthe energetics of symmetry breaking. Nature Phys. 10, 457461 (2014). 17. Plenio, M. B. & Vitelli, V. The physics of forgetting...
Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread?The Lessons from a New Science (Penguin, 2014). 3. Buchanan, M. The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You (Bloomsbury, 2008). 4. Ball, P. Why Society is a Complex Matter: Meeting Twe...
Physics Penning micro-trap for quantum computing 用于量子计算的微型彭宁阱 (导读 阿金)在射频阱中俘获离子是实现量子计算机的主要方法。本研究报告一套微制造的彭宁离子阱,利用3T磁场代替射频场来解决射频场所带来的限制。在这一设置中,研究人员展示了一个离子的全量子...
[21,22], it is difficult to understand the large production rates of these states inB-factories, e.g. X(3872), if these states are assumed to be loosely bound molecular states. In particular, the recent LHCb measurement of the ratio[Math Processing Error]Rψγ=B(X(3872)→ψ(2S)γ)...
Physics Penning micro-trap for quantum computing 用于量子计算的微型彭宁阱 (导读 阿金)在射频阱中俘获离子是实现量子计算机的主要方法。本研究报告一套微制造的彭宁离子阱,利用3T磁场代替射频场来解决射频场所带来的限制。在这一设置中,研究人员展示了一个离子的全量子控制,并在芯片上方捕获平面内任意传输离子。这一...
2021年6月,Nature Reviews Physics 发表长文综述“金融网络的物理学”,探讨了统计物理学、网络科学和经济学的深刻联系。 研究领域:金融网络,金融传染,网络科学,统计物理学,信息论 Marco Bardoscia et al. | 作者 冯子健 | 译者 张澳、梁金 | 审校 邓一雪 | 编辑 论文题目: The physics of financial networks...
分享791 南方科技大学吧 QAQ我不知道QAQ 2023物质科学类大子刊包括但不限于nature physics,nature chemistry,nature catalysis等 统计范围为第一单位和通讯单位或共同通讯单位为南科大的研究论文、综述文章 欢迎补充 分享1411 双一流吧 wxp020140312 厦大21年部分学术成果说明:论文统计21年在线、厦大为一作和通讯单位的综...