and fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyses of amorphous calcium carbonate precipitated at high pH. (a) Bright-field TEM overview image of the ACC structure dispersed on a Lacey carbon support grid (scale bar: 200 nm). The inset shows a SAED ring pattern indicating arbitrarily oriented crystallite...
第一作者是牛津大学化学系的Thomas C. Nicholas。 【无定形碳酸钙的结构】 研究使用HRMC(Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo)方法来研究无定形碳酸钙(Amorphous calcium carbonate,ACC)的结构和性质,并与其他计算和实验研究进行了比较。 1. 模拟条件和方法选择:研究使用了包含12,960个原子(相当于1,620个CaCO3⋅H2O化学...
浙江大学化学系唐睿康教授和刘昭明研究员团队提出“无机离子聚合”,可以实现实验室里厘米尺寸的碳酸钙晶体材料的快速制备,并且这些碳酸钙的制备过程有很强的可塑性,可以像做塑料一样按照模具形状长成各式模样!这项研究以“Crosslinking ionic oligomers as conformable precursors to calcium carbonate”为题,发表在国际顶级...
and thus the rapid construction of pure monolithic calcium carbonate and even single crystals with a continuous internal structure. The fluid-like behaviour of the oligomer
The nature of phosphate sorption by calcium carbon- ate. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 17:352-356.Cole CV, Olsen SR, Scolt CO (1953). The nature of phosphate sorption by calcium carbonate. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 17: 352-356.
该工作以题为“Formation, chemical evolution and solidification of the dense liquid phase of calcium (bi)carbonate”发表在《Nature Materials》上。 【DLP形成动力学的成像】 先前的研究表明,DLP(致密液相)可以由50 mM的CaCl 2和NaHCO 3溶液形成,并且可以通过添加1.2 kDa的PAA或酸性蛋白质来稳定。因此,...
respectively. The carbonate groups are contained within the spheres centred on the calcium atoms. Calcium carbonate units form anhydrous clusters; water is distributed around the surface of these clusters with no substantive regions of bulk water. (b) Expanded view of subfigure a with calcium atoms...
Using calcium carbonate as a model, we obtain a large quantity of its oligomers (CaCO3)n with controllable molecular weights, in which triethylamine acts as a capping agent to stabilize the oligomers. The removal of triethylamine initiates crosslinking of the (CaCO3)n oligomers, and thus the ...
Amorphous calcium carbonate is an important precursor for biomineralization in marine organisms. Key outstanding problems include understanding the structure of amorphous calcium carbonate and rationalizing its metastability as an amorphous phase. Here we report high-quality atomistic models of amorphous calcium...
2019年10月17日,国际顶级学术期刊 Nature 杂志发表了浙江大学化学系唐睿康教授团队题为:Crosslinking ionic oligomers as conformable precursors to calcium carbonate 的最新科研成果。该研究实现了在实验室中迅速合成厘米尺寸的碳酸钙晶体大块材料,并且这些碳酸钙的制备过程有很强的可塑性,可以像做塑料一样按照模具形状...