As of yet, no clear structure–performance descriptors have been developed to tune the catalytic activity of zeolitic methanol-to-olefin catalysts. Now it has been shown that introducing Lewis acidity into Brønsted acidic zeolites boosts their performance. Although Brønsted acidity is found to def...
Natural structural materials are built at ambient temperature from a fairly limited selection of components. They usually comprise hard and soft phases arranged in complex hierarchical architectures, with characteristic dimensions spanning from the nanoscale to the macroscale. The resulting materials are ligh...
Some substances give a type of odour in acidic medium and different odours in a basic medium. These differences help to detect whether the given substance is acidic or basic. Such indicators are also called olfactory indicators. The term’ olfactory’ refers to ‘sense of smell’. Thus, olfact...
Natural hydrogen is naturally formed and accumulated hydrogen reservoirs. A recent study suggests that certain ophiolites may hold valuable hydrogen gas, presenting potential for extraction15. There may be a sufficient reserve of natural hydrogen to meet the continuously growing global energy demands for...
Chapter 1: The Nature of Science Science: What is it, and how would you know if something is a science? This word document was downloaded from / please remain this link information when you reproduce , copy, or use it. a href=/enword documents/a Is science the art of answering ...
(28°12’N, 116°55’E). The climate is subtropical (see Chen et al.17for more detailed description). The soil is an acidic, loamy clay derived from Quaternary Red Clay and classified as a Ferralic Cambisol51. Before the establishment of this experiment, the site was a mass pine (...
There are also scientists who believe that Lost City, or a place like it, may be where life started on Earth. “It’s a good system for where early life may have developed,” Lang said. Small pores in the walls of Lost City chimneys, combined with basic (as opposed to acidic) ...
), E-mean elevation (m), RT-upland hillslope regolith thickness (m); lithological metric: SR-clastic sedimentary rock area (%), BR-basic rock area (%), CR-carbonate rock area (%), MR-metamorphic rock area (%), AR-acidic-intermediate rock area (%); land cover metric: Ve-vegetation ...
of ‘habitable conditions’ of interest in the search for extraterrestrial life as well as the transport of life from earth to another planet [13,14]; and (iii) the importance to biotechnology, where e.g., enzymes from extremophiles can perform biocatalysis in higher T or much more acidic ...
Due to its covalent cross-linking, collagen exhibits low solubility in organic solvents and is typically solubilised in acidic (0.5 M acetic acid), neutral salt (0.15–0.20 M NaCl) or proteolytic solutions. 2.1.4. Cross-Linking Collagen Unlike decellularised collagen which has been naturally ...