with editorial decisions being made by an in-house team, although peer review by external expert referees forms a part of the review process. Nature Medicine is published monthly. Articles are archived online in text and PDF formats; access is by subscription only. Its 2010 impact factor was ...
Nature Medicine volume 30, pages 1489–1498 (2024)Cite this article 9165 Accesses 16 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Aging populations are susceptible to heat-related mortality because of physiological factors and comorbidities. However, the understanding of individual vulnerabilities in the aging ...
Atom RSS Feed Predictive markers articles within Nature Medicine Featured Article 30 January 2025 | Open Access Plasma proteomic evidence for increased β-amyloid pathology after SARS-CoV-2 infection Blood biomarkers in a middle-aged population suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with...
National Science Review(国家科学评论)的影响因子也达到了17.275。 以下为2020年度影响因子前10名的期刊及其影响因子: 1. CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians(508.702) 2. Nature Reviews Mocular Cell Biology(94.444) 3. New England Journal of Medicine(91.245) 4. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery(84.694) 5. ...
2021年影响因子≥10分的期刊有18种,期刊Asian Journal of Psychiatry(13.890→9.5), Evidence-Based Mental Health(13.538→5.2), NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY(12.329→3.2), International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction(11.555→8), PSYCHO...
北京时间6月28日,Clarivate(科睿唯安)统计并发布了全球最新版期刊征引报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)和2022年SCI影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)变化。 最大变化 自2023年起,JCR将对Web of Science核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子。2023年前,只有被 SCIE 或 SSCI 收录的期刊才有影响因子。这意味着AH...
Plos Biology和Plos Medicine是Plos的旗舰杂志,曾经Plos Biology有13分多,但近年来不断下跌,2019年是7.076分,2020年将基本不变。Plos Medicine还保持在10分左右,2020年也大概10分的样子。Plos的其他杂志已经降低到5分左右。因为Plos one和Scientific Report每年出刊超过1万篇,我们没有计算出影响因子,望有经验者提供...
14.Elkrief A. The negative impact of antibiotics on outcomes in cancer patients treated with immunotherapy: a new independent prognostic factor. Ann Oncol. 2019;30. 15.US National Library of Medicine. ClinicalTrials.govhttps://clinicaltrials....
for Therapy Choice (NCI-MATCH,NCT02465060) studies in adults and a study (NCT02124772) in pediatric patients with refractory or recurrent solid tumors. This was the first approval for a tumor-agnosticBRAFandMEKinhibitor combination approach and was a considerable advance in precision medicine. ...
Medicine 60 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 61 JAMA Oncology 62 Cell Metabolism MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING R- 63 REPORTS 63 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 65 Nature Climate Change 65 Nature Climate Change 67 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 68 IMMUNITY 69 Cell Stem Cell 70 ...