2023年6月28日,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)发布了最新年度期刊引证报告(JCR), 其中包含我们所关注的最新影响因子(Impact Factor, IF). 科研界对每年影响因子发布可谓是翘首以待,据小编统计发现,今年的影响因子普遍呈下降趋势,具体有哪些变化呢?快跟随小编一起来看看吧!
TOP1. 顶级神刊 今年排名榜首的仍然还是顶级神刊CA A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS,它自2008年以来一直稳坐第一,今年公布的最新影响因子为254.7,与去年的286.130相比虽然有小幅下降,但是依然占据榜首。 四大医学期刊 Lancet由202.731降至168.9↓; NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE由2022年的176.079降至158.5↓; JAMA...
2023年影响因子正式发布,Nature/Science等顶刊普遍下降 随着2023年6月28日,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)发布了最新年度期刊引证报告(JCR), 其中包含我们所关注的最新影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)。科研界对每年影响因子发布可谓是翘首以待,但据统计发现,今年的影响因子普遍呈下降趋势,具体有哪些变化呢?下面一起来看看...
近期,科睿唯安发布了2023年度JCR期刊引证报告(JCR),其中备受关注的为衡量学术期刊影响力的重要指标——2022年度各期刊最新影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)。期刊影响因子为期刊在当年获得的总引用次数与该期刊前两年发表的学术论文的比值。 ○总体...
北京时间6月28日,Clarivate(科睿唯安)统计并发布了全球最新版期刊征引报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)和2022年SCI影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)变化。 最大变化 自2023年起,JCR将对Web of Science核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子。2023年前,只有被 SCIE 或 SSCI 收录的期刊才有影响因子。这意味着AH...
Comments & Opinion23 Jan 2025Nature Medicine P: 1-2 Adding brentuximab vedotin to lenalidomide and rituximab improves OS in R/R DLBCL David Killock Research Highlights20 Jan 2025Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology P: 1 “Are They Ready Yet?”: release criteria for autologous CAR T cells ...
A study in Nature Medicine developed a new clinical test based on a gut metagenome-derived multispecies biomarker panel for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, which outperformed faecal calprotectin. Shortly after, a study in Cell identified a health-relevant network-based core microbiome that...
Medicine 60 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 61 JAMA Oncology 62 Cell Metabolism MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING R- 63 REPORTS 63 Psychological Science in the Public Interest 65 Nature Climate Change 65 Nature Climate Change 67 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 68 IMMUNITY 69 Cell Stem Cell 70 ...
Institute of Molecular Immunology and Experimental Oncology, TUM School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany Percy A. Knolle Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany Georg Kochs Department of Medicine II, TUM School of Medicine, Technical University of Muni...
with editorial decisions being made by an in-house team, although peer review by external expert referees forms a part of the review process. Nature Medicine is published monthly. Articles are archived online in text and PDF formats; access is by subscription only. Its 2010 impact factor was ...