北京时间6月28日,Clarivate(科睿唯安)统计并发布了全球最新版期刊征引报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)和2022年SCI影响因子(Journal Impact Factor)变化。 最大变化 自2023年起,JCR将对Web of Science核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子。2023年前,只有被SCIE或SSCI收录的期刊才有影响因子。这意味着AHCI和ES...
最近,知名学术期刊出版商Springer Nature宣布,即将额外增加3本期刊,他们分别是:Nature Aging,Nature Reviews Methods Primer和Nature Computational Science。Nature出版集团下属有大量期刊,其中现有的Nature打头的期刊共有54本之多。以发展的眼光看问题,若干年后,Nature打头的期刊破60已经不远了。 虽然对Nature频出新子刊的...
同Nature一样,Science期刊涵盖所有学科。 Science同样是新智元报道人工智能、机器人、人工智能与疾病研究、脑科学的结合等重点关注的期刊。 新智元 × Science: Science重磅:史上首次!MIT研究用AI控制动物大脑活动【Science重磅】DeepMind生成查询网络GQN,无监督学习展现3D场景最新Science:类脑“人造突触”实现运算存储同步,...
最新Science:类脑“人造突触”实现运算存储同步,能耗仅需计算机的十分之一 《细胞》(CELL) Cell(《细胞》)是由美国Elsevier出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行的杂志,主要刊登全世界在生命科学研究领域的最新、最重要的原创性成果。 《细胞》刊登过许多重大的生命科学研究进展,与Nature和Science并列,是全世界...
Without addressing the lack of research infrastructure, funding, and supportive science policies, structural biology capacity-building efforts in Africa will continue to be hindered by the persistent challenge of brain drain. Emmanuel Nji ,Katharina C. Cramer ...
Pioneering journaleLifefaces major test after loss of impact factor The open-access title’s bold publishing model has brought long-bubbling conflicts to the fore. Diana Kwon News18 Dec 2024Nature Volume: 637, P: 258-259 ‘Getting paid to review is justice’: journal pays peer reviewers in ...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...
We describe the impact of transverse boundaries on the diffusion coefficient and the Thouless conductance. Results Measurement of eigenchannel velocities Microwave measurements of spectra of the in- and out-of-phase components of field transmission coefficients, are described in Methods and in ...
Science同样是新智元报道人工智能、机器人、人工智能与疾病研究、脑科学的结合等重点关注的期刊。 新智元 × Science: 《细胞》(CELL) Cell(《细胞》)是由美国Elsevier出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行的杂志,主要刊登全世界在生命科学研究领域的最新、最重要的原创性成果。
The spectral analysis of signals is currently either dominated by the speed–accuracy trade-off or ignores a signal’s often non-stationary character. Here we introduce an open-source algorithm to calculate the fast continuous wavelet transform (fCWT). T