Whether and how the postrhinal (POR) and retrosplenial (RSC) cortices interact with each other and impact downstream allocentric representations are not fully understood. Here authors present single neuron recordings from freely moving rats exploring different environments to reveal distinct egocentric (self...
Launch year Journal Impact Factor 5-year Journal Impact Factor JCR quartile Accept Rate Submission to first editorial decision (median, days) Submission to Accept (median, days) Communications Biology 2018 5.2 5.6 Q1 (Biology) 33,1% 9 203 Communications Chemistry 2018 5.9 6.3 Q1 (Chemistry, multi...
The impact of DNA methylation on CTCF-mediated 3D genome organization 中文标题 DNA甲基化对CTCF介导的三维基因组组织的影响 基本信息 发表日期:18_03_24 文章类型:Review Article 文章作者:Ana Monteagudo-Sánchez | Daan Noordermeer | Maxim V. C. Greenberg 原文链接:nature.com/articles/s41 关键词 DNA ...
Impact of contingent payments on systemic risk in financial networks. Math. Financ. Econ. 13, 617–636 (2019). 118. Bardoscia, M., Ferrara, G., Vause, N. & Yoganayagam, M. Full payment algorithm. Social Science Research Network https://ssrn.com/abstract=3344580 (2019). 119. Banerjee,...
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在一个研究系列的20%的泌乳素瘤中发现剪接因子3亚基B1[ A hotspot somatic mutation in splicing factor 3 subunit B1](SF3B1R625H)的热点体细胞突变,与没有这种突变的泌乳素瘤相比,该突变与较高的血清泌乳素水平和潜在的更具进袭...
34.Ertenli, I. et al. Infliximab, aTNF-alpha antagonist treatment in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: theimpact on depression, anxiety and quality of life level. Rheumatol. Int. 32, 323–330 (2012). 35.Persoons, P. et al....
Treated wood roofing and metallic rooftops (copper and zinc) were found to have the highest impact on water quality. Atmospheric deposition is also discussed in detail and includes a summary on the concentration levels in deposition for more than 400 pollutants such as trace metals, pesticides and...
Impact of contingent payments on systemic risk in financial networks. Math. Financ. Econ. 13, 617–636 (2019). 118. Bardoscia, M., Ferrara, G., Vause, N. & Yoganayagam, M. Full payment algorithm. Social Science Research Network https://ssrn.com/abstract=3344580 (2019). 119. Banerjee...
74.R. gnavus’s disproportionately large impact on some microbial communities thus makes it a potential ideal candidate for microbiome intervention. However, additional work is needed for identifying specificR. gnavusprobiotic strains as some members of this species were found to be strongly associated...