这几个参数分别是:total cites,impact factor,immediacy index,articles,cited half-life。 1.total cites:总引用数是指该期刊在一年中文章被引的总次数,侧面反映了期刊读者的数量; 2.impact factor:影响因子是用该期刊前两年发表的论文在当年被引用的次数除以前两年发表的论文的总数。它可以一定程度上用来评估同一领...
For example, Nature Materials has a 2020 impact factor of 43.84. Why is its 2020 impact factor in Scimago is 21.98? I am also wondering, how are "citations per document" for 2021 are available even before the publication of Web of Science 2021 impact factors on June 30, 2022. Thank ...
A study in the Atacama Desert shows that the recovery pace of damaged subsurface materials after large earthquakes is set by the material properties, not ground shaking intensity. This finding can help postseismic hazard mitigation and reconstruction. Luc Illien , Jens M. Turowski & Niels Hovius ...
Despite the rise in computing power, the large space of possible combinations of elements and crystal structure types makes large-scale high-throughput surveys of stable materials prohibitively expensive, especially for complex materials and materials su
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...
After a first post-doctoral experience she was appointed as Senior Research Associate at University of Zurich, where she received the Habilitation in Computational Material Science in 2014 working on novel carbon materials and hybrid interfaces for energy application. She handles manuscripts on ...
We describe the impact of transverse boundaries on the diffusion coefficient and the Thouless conductance. Results Measurement of eigenchannel velocities Microwave measurements of spectra of the in- and out-of-phase components of field transmission coefficients, are described in Methods and in ...
Computational Materials 310 CURRENT BIOLOGY 311 DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 312 Annual Review of Genetics 313 Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 314 Ocular Surface 315 BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS 316 Nanoscale Horizons 317 Health Psychology Review 318 MASS SPECTROMETRY REVIEWS 319 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 319 ...
When impacts eject highly shocked materials, they may melt. Most melt droplets produced by an impact are likely mm in scale with the largest melt particles several cm in scale26,27. The cooling timescale of 10−3–10−1 m melt particles is \({\tau }_{{cool}}\) = 1 s ...
The structure and morphology after the gas-sensing reaction was investigated to understand the stability of gas-sensing materials. The XRD patterns (Supplementary Fig. 16a) before and after the reaction showed almost no change, indicating the good stability of this material. Furthermore, the SEM im...