If you have any problems, please contact us here.Open AccessNature Chemical Biology is a Transformative open access journal. Authors can choose to publish using either the subscription publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access through payment of an article-processing charge (APC). ...
"Compact RNA editors with natural miniature Cas13j nucleases." Nature Chemical Biology.(20240919,浙江大学,姚远,马斌,陈学新,李果)通过对土壤微生物大规模宏基因组数据进行智能挖掘,发现一个可高效靶向切割RNA的极小型Cas13j蛋白家族,蛋...
据介绍,目前已知的人类遗传疾病大部分由碱基突变引起,碱基编辑器(Base editors, BE)以其独特的作用原理,在不依赖DNA双链断裂和修复模板的条件下,可在不同类型细胞基因组中实现高效碱基转换,在基础研究和人类遗传疾病的治疗中极具应用...
Base editors chemically convert one nucleotide base to another. The development of the first base editor eight years ago marked a major leap forward toward the use of genome-editing technologies for correcting human genetic diseases and as a powerful tool for molecular biology. ...
Nature Chemical Biology (2024)Cite this article 3654 Accesses 13 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats–Cas13 effectors are used for RNA editing but the adeno-associated virus (AAV) packaging limitations because of their big sizes hinder their ...
The research paper reports the development of three highly accurate cytosine base editors - "haA3A-CBE." This is also another breakthrough in the field of single base editing tool development in less than a year after the BRL medicine team reported new adenine transversion editing tools (AXBEs...
2023年9月11日,上海科技大学季泉江教授团队在Nature Chemical Biology发表题为Molecular basis and engineering of miniature Cas12f with C-rich PAM specificity的研究论文。该研究解析了微型基因编辑系统CRISPR-CnCas12f1的三元复合体的结构,揭示了其独特的结构特征与其识别富C PAM并发挥催化作用的分子机制,并通过工程...
相关研究结果于2021年10月18日在线发表在Nature Chemical Biology期刊上,论文标题为“Controllable genome editing with split-engineered base editors”。论文通讯作者为宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院的Rahul Kohli博士和Junwei Shi博士。O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
Chemical screening by time-resolved X-ray scattering to discover allosteric probes Time-resolved HT-SAXS discovers allosteric chemotypes for redox target AIF A key to unlock ubiquitin ligase function A chemical probe to modulate human GID4 Pro/N-degron interactions Antibody–peptide conjugates deliver ...
这也是邦耀生物团队继2022年10月在国际著名学术期刊Nature Chemical Biology报道新一代精准安全的腺嘌呤碱基编辑器ABE9以及同年11月在国际著名学术期刊Nature Biotechnology报道高精度新型胞嘧啶碱基编辑系统Td-BEs后,一年不到的时间在单碱基编辑工具开发领域的又一重大技术突破。