A collection of the top 50 Nature Leaves wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. We hope you enjoy our growing collection of HD images to use as a background or home screen for your smartphone or computer. Please contact us if you want to publish a Nature Leaves wall...
FreeGreen Nature PowerPoint templatewith Water drop has an ecology theme and ripple effect. Celebrate nature and its beauty with freelight PowerPoint backgrounds. Go green and make the world a better place to live in. The combination of light green and sky blue is simplistic, yet diverse in it...
PowerPoint slide for Fig. 4 PowerPoint slide for Table 1 Glossary Dicer (DCR). A ribonuclease III enzyme that cleaves double-stranded RNA precursors into small RNAs of 20–30 nucleotides. In plants, homologues of Dicer are referred to as DICER-LIKE (DCL). Of the four DCL enzymes in Arabido...
& Funk, M. Yeast vectors for the controlled expression of heterologous proteins in different genetic backgrounds. Gene 156, 119–122 (1995) Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Klock, H. E., Koesema, E. J., Knuth, M. W. & Lesley, S. A. Combining the polymerase incomplete primer ...
Backgrounds Textures Social Patterns Icons Objects Illustrations All Graphics 3D Models Templates Renders All 3D Presentation Templates Keynote PowerPoint Google Slides All Presentation Templates Photos Fonts Serif Sans-Serif Script and Handwritten Decorative All Fonts Add-ons Adobe Photoshop Adobe Light...
It represents a shift away from design as the task of experts towards using the collective creativity of a team from different backgrounds (Sanders & Stappers, 2008; Trischler et al., 2019), reflecting a bottom-up philosophy (Dietrich et al., 2016). Co-design with multi-stakeholders could ...
Relevant scholars and the fourth IPCC report have also defined vulnerability from different research backgrounds and perspectives [4–7]. From the initial single connotation of “risk,” it has gradually expanded to a collection of multiple elements such as exposure, sensitivity, resilience, and ...
Backgrounds Textures Social Patterns Icons Objects Illustrations All Graphics 3D Models Templates Renders All 3D Presentation Templates Keynote PowerPoint Google Slides All Presentation Templates Photos Fonts Serif Sans-Serif Script and Handwritten Decorative All Fonts Add-ons Adobe Photoshop Adobe Light...
falciparum reference strains and clinical isolates from Cambodia to prove that different mutations cause different levels of resistance (as measured by the RSA), the extent of which is sensitive to the genetic backgrounds of the parasites. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Gupta, V. A. & Beggs...
Data that was used in this study comprises the responses only from the students of business and its allied subject. Students of other backgrounds including engineering were left out from the scope of the study. This limitation in itself creates the scope for further research which may be a comp...