a,b, Immunostaining for cTnT in human ventricular tissue (6 weeks postconception (wpc); a) and in noRA spheroids and epicardioids (day 15; b). Images are representative of three independent samples and six differentiations, respectively; RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle. In b, dash...
pAOX1-GBP and pAOX1-CovidVHH-IgG. Equal volumes of supernatant were loaded. For pAOX1-CovidVHH-IgG expression, the copy number of some clones were determined: each asterisk represents one copy integrated into the genome.b, ELISA results of 24 clones (individual points represent biological repl...
Background information Mr. Woodhouse is a central character in Emma, and the father of the protagonist (主人公), Emma Woodhouse. He is constantly worried about his health and wants a quiet, simple life. Emma was written by Jane Austen. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was an English novelist, best...
重点短语 1.talkabout谈论 2.comeround拜访 3.breakout(战争、战斗或疾病)爆发 4.causeharmto对……造成伤害 5.targetfor (攻击的)目标,对象 6.standby 支持,帮助,遵守诺言 Ⅱ.阅读导学 根据课文内容,选择正确答案。1.Whatimagesdoestheauthorusetoenhancethedescriptionofsnow?A.Thelittleplumtree,studywindow,...
The background, rationale and main conclusions of the study should be clearly explained. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any scientists. No paper will be rejected for poor language. However, if you would like assistance with ...
HISTORICALBACKGROUND BeforestartingtoexploretheNaturevs.Nurture controversy,itisimportanttomentionthe EnglishscientistFrancisGalton(1822–1911),a cousinofCharlesDarwin,whoinitiatedthis wholedebatebetweenhereditariansand environmentalistsmorethanacenturyago.
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