nature nature human behaviour aims & scope Aims & Scope Drawing from a broad spectrum of social, biological, health, and physical science disciplines, Nature Human Behaviour publishes research of outstanding significance into any aspect of individual or collective human behaviour. How do humans ...
Aims & Scope Nature Sustainabilitypublishes significant original research from a broad range of natural, social and engineering fields about sustainability, its policy dimensions and possible solutions. Understanding how to ensure the well-being of current and future generations within the limits of the ...
AP Human Geography students need to develop an understanding of what it means to examine the world around them from a geographic perspective. Focusing attention on geography's concern with spatial relationships, place characteristics, and geographic context helps student appreciate the nature of the ...
AP Human Geography students need to develop an understanding of what it means to examine the world around them from a geographic perspective. Focusing attention on geography's concern with spatial relationships, place characteristics, and geographic context helps student appreciate the nature of the ...
Most importantly, it is argued that economic geography should take more seriously the nature and scope of behaviour recognizing its attributes including related social and cultural aspirations. These ideas are illustrated by a set of recent studies dealing with financial decision‐making and individuals'...
Human survival is directly tied to our relationship with the natural environment. Achieving a sustainable lifestyle depends on establishing a balance between the consumption of individuals, and the capacity of the natural environment for renewal. Yet, we often act as ifwe are separate from nature ...
In international human geography one of the most interesting developments in recent years has come from the so-called cultural turn and 'new' cultural geography. This article deals with the conceptualization of culture within 'old' and 'new' cultural geography. It will show that the recent reinte...
Nature also practices a kind of “critical regionalism,” the belief that architecture should reflect the geography and culture of its setting. For example, there are parasites so specifically evolved they can live with only one type of host. These bespoke qualities of nature took a long time ...
A comprehensive atlas of the human hypothalamus, a brain region that regulates many bodily functions, including temperature, sleep and appetite, has been built using single-cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics. The atlas reveals previously unappreciated anatomical and cellular diversity, insights...
Why tumour geography matters — and how to map it Methods for exploring the geography of molecular-scale processes within tissue samples are transforming cancer research, but the toolbox can be daunting. Michael Eisenstein Technology Feature25 Nov 2024 Nature Notching up a win: fresh tools for...