An atlas of cells in the human brain’s control hub A comprehensive atlas of the human hypothalamus, a brain region that regulates many bodily functions, including temperature, sleep and appetite, has been built using single-cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics. The atlas reveals previous...
Human water use, climate change and land conversion have created a water crisis for billions of individuals and many ecosystems worldwide. Global water stocks and fluxes are estimated empirically and with computer models, but this information is conveyed to policymakers and researchers through water cy...
Human survival is directly tied to our relationship with the natural environment. Achieving a sustainable lifestyle depends on establishing a balance between the consumption of individuals, and the capacity of the natural environment for renewal. Yet, we often act as ifwe are separate from nature ...
Nature外文电子书籍.pdf,Nature, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 1 Nature, by Ralph Waldo Emerson The Project Gutenberg EBook of Nature, by Ralph Waldo Emerson This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You m
(1966) Human Nature in Geography: fourteen papers, 1925–1965. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MassWright, J.K. (1966) Human Nature in Geography. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.Wright J.K., 1966, Human Nature in Geography. Harper and Row, New York....
Nowadays, it has become a necessity for operational and reliable operation of networks due to our increased dependency over the network services. However,
AP Human Geography students need to develop an understanding of what it means to examine the world around them from a geographic perspective. Focusing attention on geography's concern with spatial relationships, place characteristics, and geographic context helps student appreciate the nature of the ...
图书Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action. by George P. Marsh ... 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Nature also practices a kind of “critical regionalism,” the belief that architecture should reflect the geography and culture of its setting. For example, there are parasites so specifically evolved they can live with only one type of host. These bespoke qualities of nature took a long time ...
ResearchOpen Access18 Feb 2025Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Volume: 12, P: 222 Using human mobility data to quantify experienced urban inequalities Xu et al. review applications of urban mobility behaviour data and propose a temporal bipartite network that reveals mobility patterns between...