影响因子(Impact Factor)是评价学术期刊影响力的重要指标,它反映了期刊在过去两年内发表的论文被引用的平均次数。对于科研人员来说,选择高影响因子的期刊发表论文,往往能够增加论文的曝光度和被引用次数,从而提升个人的学术影响力。 二、Nature Aging的影响因子变化 不同数据来源的差异...
Nature Aging同期对该研究刊发了Research Briefing(研究简报),加拿大维多利亚大学Marie-Ève Tremblay教授撰写评论,认为该研究非常有价值,增进了人们对小胶质细胞老龄化及其如何影响记忆的理解(This represents a highly relevant paper that improves our understanding of microglial aging and its impact on memory)。
Aging 8, 231–244 (2016). CAS Google Scholar Katila, N. et al. Metformin lowers α-synuclein phosphorylation and upregulates neurotrophic factor in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Neuropharmacology 125, 396–407 (2017). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Ou, Z. et al. Metformin ...
Aging is a major risk factor for numerous chronic diseases. Vaccination offers a promising strategy to combat these age-related diseases by targeting specific antigens and inducing immune responses. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of recent advances in vaccine-based interventions targeting thes...
Nature Aging同期对该研究刊发了Research Briefing(研究简报),加拿大维多利亚大学Marie-Ève Tremblay教授撰写评论,认为该研究非常有价值,增进了人们对小胶质细胞老龄化及其如何影响记忆的理解(This represents a highly relevant paper that improves our understanding of microglial aging and its impact on memory)。
影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)出品的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)中的一项数据,对科研人员重中之重的数据。影响因子的计算是某期刊N-1, N-2这两年发表的论文在N年的平均引用次数。以2019年为例,将在2019年6月出的新的影响因子叫“2018年度影响因子”,是2016年和2017...
Aging involves the systemic deterioration of all known cell types in most eukaryotes. Several recently discovered compounds that extend the healthspan and lifespan of model organisms decelerate pathways that govern the aging process. Among these geroprot
Amuc_1409 increased intestinal stem cell (ISC) proliferation and regeneration in ex vivo intestinal organoids and in vivo models of radiation- or chemotherapeutic drug-induced intestinal injury and natural aging with male mice. Mechanistically, Amuc_1409 promoted E-cadherin/β-catenin complex ...
Tissue damage and aging lead to dysfunction, disfigurement, and trauma, posing significant global challenges. Creating a regenerative microenvironment to resist external stimuli and induce stem cell differentiation is essential. Plant-derived nanovesicle
724 Journal Impact Factor 223.679 74.449 70.670 59.102 57.618 54.301 54.000 51.848 51.273 44.019 43.704 43.351 43.070 41.037 40.443 38.887 38.296 36.216 35.386 34.648 34.106 34.024 34.024 33.407 33.250 33.162 33.069 32.274 31.864 31.583 30.641 30.628 28.755 28.467 28.295 28.245 27.778 27.604 27.516 26.922 ...