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Nature volume 477, pages 443–447 (2011)Cite this article 86k Accesses 3257 Citations 181 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Creating a robust synthetic surface that repels various liquids would have broad technological implications for areas ranging from biomedical devices and fuel transport to ...
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Senescent cells accumulate throughout the body with advanced age, diseases and chronic conditions. They negatively impact health and function of multiple systems, including the central nervous system (CNS). Therapies that target senescent cells, broadly
68.Levy, R. L. et al. in Rome IVFunctional Gastrointestinal Disorders — Disorders of Gut-Brain InteractionVol. 1 (eds. Drossman, D. A. et al.)443–560(Rome Foundation, 2016). 69.Whitehead, W. E. et al. The usualmedica...
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Numbers noted as (P:xx) refer to pages with photos in "Dragonflies & Damselflies of the East", by Dennis Paulson The second of these is a fine new book, an excellent field guide for the "odes" of eastern North America, published by Princeton University Press in 2011. Another book, with...
68.Levy, R. L. et al. in Rome IVFunctional Gastrointestinal Disorders — Disorders of Gut-Brain InteractionVol. 1 (eds. Drossman, D. A. et al.)443–560(Rome Foundation, 2016). 69.Whitehead, W. E. et al. The usualmedical care for irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther....
Chemists who want to make materials that repel water but do not contain fluorocarbons are taking their inspiration from nature, Rachel Brazil finds
美文欣赏 晨曦是我的亚述古国; 日落和明月是我梦想中怕弗仙境;正午是我感觉与理解中是英格兰;夜晚是我神秘哲思与梦境的德意志。The Beauty of NatureNature satisfies by its loveliness,and without any mixtu