USCF Natural Gas Fund Futures PR USD 上市日期 2007/04/18 最近派息 內容 除淨日 派息日期 即時串流報價: 過往表現 時期波幅升跌(%)2 1個月15.460 - 20.030 2個月12.900 - 20.030 3個月12.350 - 20.030 52週12.350 - 21.610 最新統計數字 時期價格1溢價 ...
Natural Gas Futures 2x Long 0.440 -0.030(-6.38%) 1日 1周 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 5年 最大值 昨收 0.47 开盘 0.46 1年涨跌幅 0% 量 0 平均成交量 (3个月) - 当日幅度 0.44-0.47 52 周范围 0-0 技术 强力卖出 卖出 中性 买入 强力买入 1日 1周 1个月 更多 探索 类型:指数 市场:全球...
NGS | Complete Natural Gas Services Group Inc. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
Stock Market Today: Dow scores over 300-point gain, stocks near session highs Last Updated: May 9, 2024, 4:32 PM EDT 9 months ago By Myra P. Saefong Natural-gas futuresrallied Thursdayto settle at their...
Natural gas futures show some stability, as stocks and crude post heavy losses.Lammey, Alan
Natural Gas Futures History Natural gas was once considered an ineffective byproduct of oil production. Starting in the late 1970s, natural gas futures are relatively new in comparison to other commodity markets. The alternative name for natural gas, “Henry Hub”, originates from the gas pipelin... - Natural Gas Market WeakensU.S. natural gas futures reached a 3-1/2-year low, influenced by forecasts predicting milder weather and reduced heating demand. The expiry of the April futures contract and decreased gas flows to LNG export plant
股票如何操作?请参考专业分析师提供的当前Natural Gas Futures x3 Lever. USD行情分析,指数走势分析,及买卖操作建议。 这三大龙头股,最惨股价被低估了逾50% 市场波动加剧之际,被低估、具备巨大上升空间的股票,可能更有望带来可观回报。 笔者使用InvestingPro选股器,搜寻了若干质优价廉、具有上升潜力的股票。 其中三...
Natural gas futures are higher for a second session on Tuesday, putting the 50-day moving average at $2.199 on the radar. Trader reaction to a test of this level will determine the intermediate trend. From a longer-term perspective, we would like to see an elongated support base built befo...
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