Natural Gas Futures News: Natural gas prices moved higher today despite bearish speculation regarding weather and increased supply.Prices are expected to gain more momentum this year as the sector undergoes three "super shifts."Here's everything...Time to Profit...
The current price of natural gas today is $3.99 per MMBtu. Live charts, historical data, futures contracts, and breaking news on natural gas prices can be found below.
Natural Gas Futures 2x Long 0.440 -0.030(-6.38%) 1日 1周 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 5年 最大值 昨收 0.47 开盘 0.46 1年涨跌幅 0% 量 0 平均成交量 (3个月) - 当日幅度 0.44-0.47 52 周范围 0-0 技术 强力卖出 卖出 中性 买入 强力买入 1日 1周 1个月 更多 探索 类型:指数 市场:全球...
Dutch TTF Natural Gas Futures资讯 欧洲天然气价格上涨,供应担忧加剧 -- 由于未来供应担忧和预期寒潮可能进一步减少储备,欧洲天然气价格本周预计将录得近3%的涨幅。基准荷兰TTF在早盘交易中上涨0.5%至54.80欧元/兆... 提供者 •2025年2月07日 欧洲天然气价格因寒冷天气预报上涨 Investing...
Natural Gas (Globex) daily price charts for the futures contract. See TradingCharts for many more commodity/futures quotes, charts and news.
Natural gas futures are higher for a second session on Tuesday, putting the 50-day moving average at $2.199 on the radar. Trader reaction to a test of this level will determine the intermediate trend. From a longer-term perspective, we would like to see an elongated support base built befo...
Natural gas was once considered an ineffective byproduct of oil production. Starting in the late 1970s, natural gas futures are relatively new in comparison to other commodity markets. The alternative name for natural gas, “Henry Hub”, originates from the gas pipeline with the same name which...
Sign Up TodaySign in Crops Livestock Markets & Quotes Farm Business Marketing Max and Mike EventsHome Market Data Energy Prices Natural Gas (E)Natural Gas (E)Find the latest Natural Gas (E) prices and Natural Gas (E) futures quotes for all active contracts below....
(I:HHNGSP) Chart data for Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price from 1997 to 2025. Visually compare against similar indicators, plot min/max/average, compute correlations.
Natural Gas Futures Manage gas price risk with MSD futures matching your physical contractsContact Us Today's Trading & Market Prices Nasdaq Commodities provides trading and clearing of pan-European Natural Gas derivatives. The offering includes EUR settled German, French and Dutch Monthly DS Futures ...