and separation and extraction of the nattokinase and vitamin K2: centrifuging the fermentation solution, separating the supernatant from the precipitate, adding inorganic high polymer flocculant into the supernatant, and taking chitosan as coagulant aid to separate the vitamin K2 and nattokinase in the ...
Enhanced Production of Vitamin K2 from Bacillus subtilis (natto) by Mutation and Optimization of the Fermentation Medium The aim of this study was to enhance the production of vitamin K-2 by using N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine (NTG) and low energy ion beam implantation... J Song,H...
Vitamin K2 is part of the Vitamin K family,a group of fat-soluble vitamins.(That means they are stored in the gastrointestinal tract and delivered to body in fat globules call chylomicrons.)You have probably heard of Vitamin K,which is crucial for the production of proteins that ...
Additionally, theBacillus subtilisin natto creates an enzyme called nattokinase, which aids in the production ofvitamin K2and helps preserve heart health. Rich in macronutrients and micronutrients, natto is highly nutritious, which is why people who regularly consume it experience a wide array of healt...
Atherosclerosis, a chronic condition characterized by the accumulation of lipid and inflammatory cells within the blood vessel walls, causes cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. Natto, a food rich in vitamin K2, has shown promise in mitigating cardiovascular diseases by enhancing ...
NattocontainsalargeamountofvitaminKandvitaminKconsistsofvitaminK1andvitaminK2.VitaminK2provestohaveeffectsonpreventingpeoplefromlosingbonemassduetogrowingages.Toconclude,nattoisofgreatvalueonavoidingfracture.Regulationofintestinalfunction Bacillusnattocanliveintheintestinesforseveralweeksastrophosome,anditcansecretevarious...
vitaminK2,canproduceboneprotein,andthentogetherwith calciumtoproducebone,increasebonedensity,prevent fracture; 2.thrombolyticeffect:nattocontainsalargeamountof solublenattokinase,whichisafibrinolyticenzyme,whichcan preventtheoccurrenceofthromboticdiseases.Regular ...
Wikipedia nat·to (nä′tō) n. A Japanese food that is made from steamed, fermented soybeans and that has a stringy, mucilaginous texture and a strong smell. [Japanesenattō: Japanesena(t)-(probably as innassho,temple storehouse, where natto was kept), variant form ofnō,to bring ...
Organic natto is also one of the best forms of vitamin K2, which is very important for binding calcium in proteins. K2 is especially important for both bone and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K1 is easier to come by as it can be found in seaweed & dark green leafy veggies. Vitamin K2 is...
The Japanese diet is known to lack protein, which natto supplements, and the long onion adds Vitamin C to the Vitamin C-less natto—a natural "wisdom of life" reflected in the food culture of Japan.*Note: Natto contains Vitamin K2, which promotes blood coagulation, and therefore heart ...