Philippine Native SwineAmong Asian countries, the Philippines ranked third after Vietnam and China in terms of pig production. Philippine swine production is dominated by backyard farManipol, Nohreen Ethel P.Flores, Ma. SalvacionTan, Reynaldo...
It is clear that the long-term effect of escapees and the deliberate introduction of non-native species in natural ecosystems are seldom positive. However, the long-term effects of invasive fish on the livelihoods of people who depend on local fish stocks for sustenance, tourism and other...
PHILIPPINESLUZON (Philippines)GENETIC variationSWINEMICROSATELLITE repeatsGENETIC distanceAGRICULTUREWILD boarLANDRACE swineThe Philippine native pig (PhNP) is a unique genetic resource composed of multiple domesticated Sus scrofa lineages and interspecific hybrids. No prior study has determined the pop...
Uncooked fresh GAS meal in swine diets cansbe used at levels of up to 15% (Catalma et al., 1991). Ensi...Dela Cruz, M. S., R. C. Joshi and E. C. Martin. 2000. Potential effects of commercial molluscicides used in controlling golden apple snails on the native snail, Vivipara ...