in less susceptible species such as swine, but it has also been reported as developing in cattle, horses, dogs and cats. Route of infection in animals is most often ingestion, rather than inhalation or inoculation via skin lesions, initial suspicions of anthrax may be raised when livestock are...
The swine histo compatibility system SLA: serological studies in the common Swiss and Danish swine breedsdoi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.1985.tb01459.xBirte KristensenMerete PhilipsenS. LazaryChristine RenardA. L. de WeckAnim Blood Groups Biochem Genet...
A total of 70 female sheep (White Polled Heath sheep and their cross breeds), consisting of 16 animals older than one year and 54 gimmers, participated in this study, which ran over two grazing seasons from May until October 2020 and 2021, respectively. The non-pigmented animals with white...