Across the continent, Indigenous peoples are methodically reasserting control over their land, laws, and how they live.
Native American Tribes Native American Tribe pages on are an easy way to preserve and share the stories and events for any tribe. These pages feature facts, photos, a time line of events, a map, and stories. Apache, Blackfeet, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Creek, Iroquois, Lumb...
And that the term “colony” for a type of Indian territory is unique to Nevada? We believe that either the apprentices Native American stonemasons at SIS or those stonemasons at SIS created this cottage. We are basing this belief on the similarity between this building and the buildings found...
In the Southeast are the Cherokee tribe along with the Seminole and Chickasaw in Florida. Unlike those in the Great Plains, these tribes are known farmers who settled in one territory. In the Southwest, homes made of adobe bricks were owned by the Apache and Navajo Nations. Prior to the ar...
perhaps the most of any Native American tribe in the Southwest. In a quote published in Raymond F. Locke’s, The Book of the Navajo, old-time Santa Fe resident Dr. Louis Kennon said, "I think that the Navajos have been the most abused people on the continent… [I believe] the numb...
andAmerican Subarcticpeoples. France’s North American empire was, however, contested: its warm southern reaches were claimed by both France and Spain, while parts of the northern territory were claimed by both France and England. Native nations, of course, had their own claims to these territor...
The type and degree of linguistic adaptation to European culture has varied greatly among American groups, depending on sociocultural factors. For example, among the Karuk of northwestern California, a tribe that suffered harsh treatment at the hands of Euro-Americans, there are only a few loan...
U.S. Federal and State Reservation Map When is a Tribe a Tribe? Native American Documents Project Cal State at San Marcos: Professor E. Schwartz Native American Constitution and Law Digitalization Project Tribal constitutions and codes are the heart of self-government for over 500 federally rec...
Animism is a commonly shared belief amongst American Indian tribes. It is based on the spiritual belief that everything, living, natural or inanimate and has a soul or spirit The religious leader of each Native American tribe was called the shaman or medicine man. The term "Red Indian" for...
The first image shows a war lodge. Warriors made these temporary structures in wooded areas to hide their presence in enemy territory. There was a reflection of a large blue screen on the right side of the image that I eliminated with my editing program, Corel PaintShop Pro 2021. I also ...