Across the continent, Indigenous peoples are methodically reasserting control over their land, laws, and how they live.
The following is a rough estimate of the Native American Nations inhabiting Ohio at one time or another since first noted by European explorers or settlers. Some where large and consisted of multiple villages found throughout the territory, while others consisted of a single small village. Adding...
Although the Native American trade network of the Southwest was born of commercial purpose, those who took to the trails never forgot their spiritual roots. "Since many dangers haunted the trails," said Ford, "various supernatural precautions guided traders. Virtually every tribe had a ceremony to...
And that the term “colony” for a type of Indian territory is unique to Nevada? We believe that either the apprentices Native American stonemasons at SIS or those stonemasons at SIS created this cottage. We are basing this belief on the similarity between this building and the buildings found...
The first image shows a war lodge. Warriors made these temporary structures in wooded areas to hide their presence in enemy territory. There was a reflection of a large blue screen on the right side of the image that I eliminated with my editing program, Corel PaintShop Pro 2021. I also ...
Free Essay: The rolling hills and flat plains of the American wilderness was once teeming with an unprecedented amount of beauty and culture. One such group...
they arrived in the Basin of Mexico in the 13th century where they eventually settled on an island in Lake Texcoco; they called their new home Tenochtitlan. In only a few centuries, the Aztecs aggressively expanded their territory and transformed Tenochtitlan into a capital so grand that the Sp...
Cherokee-White Intermarriages in Indian Territory Posted on March 8, 2019 by Roberta Estes H. C. Townsend, A Correct Map of the Oklahoma Country and Cherokee Outlet Reached via the Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route(1889) James Plyant in wrote about “...
The word Chesapeake, as in Chesapeake Bay, came from the Native American word “Chesepiuk,” an Algonquian name for a village that the Roanoke, Virginia, colonists discovered in 1585 near the mouth of the Bay. Later, mapmakers used the word to name the Bay. People have said that Chesapea...
To see a glimpse of the full extent of claimed and traditional territory, check out the excellent map at Today is American Thanksgiving, and I give thanks to the Lhaq’temish (Lummi), the Nuxwsa’7aq (Nooksack), the Duwamish, the Ohlone, the Lenape,...