Experience Bankside Yards, London's mixed use development & luxury real estate alongside world-class art & culture. Discover Native Land's vision.
Across the continent, Indigenous peoples are methodically reasserting control over their land, laws, and how they live.
raking over the carts, swimming the animals, &c …” As more settlers flocked to the area, the relations changed. Native American, Hispanic, and non-European residents suffered greatly during this period
Jim Enote, a member of the Zuni tribe, describes his people's deep connection to a contested place—their ancestral homeland.
LANDMARKS History of the Native Americans Very few subjects in American history are as full of contradictions, fantasy and misplaced nostalgia as that of the history of the Native Americans. I have spent a significant portion of my adult years researching tribes and their associated culture and ...
Native-land.cais an interactive map* that allows you to view the territories and additional information about the Indigenous peoples in your area. *This map should not be used as an academic or legal resource. Sourcing data...
Native American Tribes Native American Tribe pages on are an easy way to preserve and share the stories and events for any tribe. These pages feature facts, photos, a time line of events, a map, and stories. Apache, Blackfeet, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Creek, Iroquois, Lumb...
One's native land! There should one live! There die!Jules Verne 故土!生于斯!长眠于斯! 儒勒·凡尔纳 domestic (进阶词汇)本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的;家务的;喜爱家庭生活的 In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or p...
Southwestern Native American pottery has a legacy dating back at least 3,500 years. It's still a mystery as to how someone discovered that clay, when heated to a high enough temperature, would transform into a solid, brittle object that holds its shape. Some scholars claim the technique was...
2023). These “deals” turned many villagers into millionaires overnight, and often, as we shall see in our case study, also involved side agreements about privileges in owning and managing edifices built on the land. These buildings, which used to be mostly private property of the farmers,...