GlobalItaly Biological sciences4497 Chemistry2201 Earth & environmental sciences1682 Health sciences51816 Physical sciences1042 Research Overall research output CountShare Overall573102.37 Overall Count and Share for 'National Research Council (CNR)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above. ...
National Research Council of Italy: The National Research Council (Cnr) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Founded as legal person on 18 November 1923, C
By Dr. Elena Dilonardo, Politecnico di Bari, Italy. Images and text are courtesy of the IC-CNR and ENEA. Reference: High resolution X-ray computed tomography: A versatile non-destructive tool to characterize CFRP-based aircraft composi...
GlobalItaly Biological sciences4497 Chemistry2201 Earth & environmental sciences1682 Health sciences51816 Physical sciences1042 Research Overall research output CountShare Overall573102.37 Overall Count and Share for 'National Research Council (CNR)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above. ...
GlobalItaly Biological sciences4497 Chemistry2201 Earth & environmental sciences1682 Health sciences51816 Physical sciences1042 Research Overall research output CountShare Overall574102.80 Overall Count and Share for 'National Research Council (CNR)' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned a...
This paper deals with the technology transfer activities of the main public research institution in Italy, the Italian Research Council, CNR. A comparative analysis on patenting and licensing performances between CNR and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT has been carried out. Findings show...
Open source code and developers community of the National Research Council (CNR) which is the largest public research institution in Italy - The National Research Council (CNR)
Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia Andrew Edwards & Peter Jacklyn Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources - National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IGG), Turin, Italy Antonello Provenzale, Gabriele Vissio & Marta Magnani National Bi...
摘要: The present work takes into account the creation of Spin-off companies in CNR, Italian National Research Council, up to 2012. The aim is to analyze the relations of Spin-offs with CNR, their...关键词: Spin-off creation National Research Council of Italy Firm performance National ...
According to news reporting originating from Milan, Italy, by VerticalNews correspondents, research stated, "Since the 1950s, an intense sand and gravel quarrying from the river floodplains led to the formation of pit lakes (PLs) that have changed the morphology and the drainage system of ...