Raw materialsEducationLifelong learningDigital competencesThe adopted strategy and the results achieved by the Italian National Research CouncilItalian National Research Council, The within the Knowledge and Innovation Community "RawRaw materialsMaterialsMaterials" of the European Institute of Innovation and ...
THE recent activities of the Italian National Council of Research, which is directed by the Marchese Marconi, are described in an official publication dealing with investigations which the Council has handed over to the universities, higher teaching centres and experimental stations in Italy. During ...
The Italian National Research Council uses Avizo Software to perform porosity analysis of CFRP-based composites and demonstrate the efficiency of non-destructive X-ray CT for material structural analysis
Italy and China currently hold the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Heleni Porfyriou, a former senior researcher at the Institute for Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council, said that the significant number of heritage sites in both countries lays the foundation for...
Diet and coronary heart disease risk factors in a population with varied intake. The Research Group ATS-RF2 of The Italian National Research Council. 来自 dx.doi.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 67 作者:M Trevisan,V Krogh,JL Freudenheim,A Blake,P Muti,S Panico,E Farinaro,M Mancini,A Menotti,G ...
【科学拯救《呐喊》】随着时间流逝,曾经在爱德华·蒙克的名作《呐喊》之上高声呐喊的明亮黄色正在日渐隐没——幕后黑手正是由潮湿引起的化学反应。蒙克用来描绘湖上日落的黄色颜料含有硫化镉,如今已经渐渐褪色。意大利国家研究理事会(Italian National Research Council)的Letizia Monico、Costanza Miliani 和同事们分析了奥...
The fighting has been most bitter over the future control, and indeed the very identity, of the National Research Council (CNR), which could see some of its responsibilities for bio- medical research re-allocated to a new national institute (see below). The opportunity for reform was provided...
The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) recognizes the CELI 3 as a valid certificate of knowledge of the Italian language to study at a University in Italy, while the CELI 4 and the CELI 5 confirm an equal knowledge of the Italian language to Italian students. ...
1 Italian National Research Council–IGAG, Montelibretti, 00010 Rome, Italy 2 Department of Engineering, University of Basilicata, 85100 Potenza, Italy * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Infrastructures 2025, 10(1), 22; https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures10010022 ...
(2000), Basic research in Italian industry. R&D Management, 30: 79–88. doi: 10.1111/1467-9310.00159 Author Information National Research Council, Institute of Studies on Scientific Research and Documentation, Isrds-CNR, Via Cesare de Lollis, 12-00185 Roma, Italy Publication History Issue ...