f, National survey of mental health and wellbeing: summary of results, 2007, Cat. no. 4326.0, ABS, Canberra.Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008): "National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007," Catalogue no. 4326.0. (2009): "National Health Survey: Summary ...
The National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being in Australia has provided a rare opportunity to investigate not only the sociodemographic distribution of well-being, but also how it is related to impaired mental or physical health, to specific groups of psychiatric disorders and disability in ...
Alcohol- and drug-use disorders in Australia: implications of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Objective: This study reports the prevalence and correlates of ICD-10 alcohol- and drug-use disorders in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing... M Teesson,W Hall,M...
The introduction of headspace appears to be proving positive to the mental, social and emotional health and well being of young people in Australia, thus achieving its strategic vision. Whilst it may not have effectively serviced all vulnerable young people, there is clear evidence to suggest the...
Table. Weighted Overall Well-being Score by Age Group in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults in January 2022a View LargeDownload Supplement. eMethods 1. Office of the Surgeon G. Publications and Reports of the Surgeon General. Protecting Youth Mental Health: The US Surgeon General’...
Future in mind: promoting, protecting and improving our children and young people's mental health and wellbeing This document is a report of the work of the Children and Young People's Mental Health Taskforce. It makes a number of proposals the government wishes to s... DO Health - 《Dep...
To date, research on men who have sex with men (MSM) has largely focused on their sexual health needs and on men recruited from gay-orientated venues. National probability survey data provide a rare opportunity to examine the broader sociodemographic, behavioural, and health profiles of MSM, def...
This survey study examines national trends in the care of different mental health problems and in different treatment settings among adolescents who
Indigenous workers also experienced significantly lower levels of mental health and well-being and greater work/family imbalance, which was a significant contributor to emotional exhaustion. The findings highlight the importance of implementing workforce development strategies that focus on achieving ...
Drawing on 2011 and 2016 European Quality of Life Survey data from eight European countries, this paper considers the importance of subjective indicators o