Carers Missing Out: A scoping study following the introduction of the National Disability Insurance SchemeTimothy BroadyNicole Weber
Carers NSW welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Senate StandingCommittee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill (the Bill). Carers NSW strongly supports the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and recognises that th...
This chapter collates the personal stories of seven people all of whom have accessed the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) since it was introduced in 2013. These stories cover the NDIS journey and experiences of these individuals, their families and carers, including their experience of ...
How building a robust contract and having insurance can help When and how to seek legal advice Business insurance 1-2-1 sessions: Get confidential guidance fromHusain Masoudfrom Markel’s Customer Service team, who will provide free business insurance sessions. To book a 1-2-1 session, please ...
Conclusion Participants felt that the National Disability Insurance Scheme had created additional stress and confusion in their lives and at times had hindered the achievement of the goals of their family member with a disability. The voices of parents and carers is a critical one, and it is ...
New unemployment benefits (e.g., NASPI, acronym of the benefit named “Nuova Assicurazione Sociale per l’Impiego”—New Social Insurance for Employment; ASDI, acronym of the benefit named “Assegno Sociale di Disoccupazione”—Unemployment Social Allowance) were created for supporting more people...