Foster carers should get more money for the work they doLISA NANDY
摘要: HAVE you ever thought about whether you might make a great foster carer? Action for Children are calling on people to consider a career in fostering - to provide a caring home for children who cannot live with their birth families....
signaling it is appropriate for chronic condition management in primary care. The patient role in managing their chronic condition was closely linked to their experience. Future studies should investigate how the patient role impacts the experience of patients, carers, and health professionals in this ...
Foster carers for transgender young people had particular challenges in working with health and education, as well as the birth family, to ensure that the child's needs were met and wishes were respected. Implications for policy and practice These findings will have implications for recruitment, ...
In the last issue of Adoption & Fostering Robbie Gilligan set out the need to focus on the roles of male foster carers. Simon Newstone continues the debate with an examination of how male foster carers perceive their responsibilities, often referred to as providing a 'positive male role model...
They shared their experiences of foster care with the assembled MPs, peers, media and representatives of fostering services to explain why they see a need for more foster carers in the UK.Damien is 18 and has been in public care since the age of six weeks. During this time he has lived...
Children in foster care: What behaviours do carers find challenging?[J] . Olivia Octoman,Sara McLean,Julie Sleep.Clin Psychol . 2014 (1)Octoman, O., McLean, S., & Sleep, J. (2014). Children in foster care: What behaviours do carers find challenging? Clinical Psychologist, 18, 10-20....
Birth children of foster carers: How do they experience the foster care placementLaura Gypen aDelphine West a bFrank Van Holen a bJohan Vanderfaeillie aChildren and Youth Services Review
Sykes, Sinclair, Gibbs & Wilson (2002) Kinship and stranger foster carers, How do they compare? Adoption & Fostering, Volume 26, No.2. pp.1-12. Taber, M. A. & Proch, K. (1987) Placement Stability for Adolescents in Foster Care: Findings from a Program Experiment. Child Welfare, Vol...
Foster carers may interpret this as if the child is adapting quite well to the new family. This misunderstanding may lead to stress in the child and create a risk for an enduring relationship. Objectives To investigate the quality of newly formed relationships between recently placed infants and ...