MOHa, The Second National Health Sector Strategic Plan of Kenya (NHSSP II 2005- 2010). 2005, Ministry of Health: Nairobi.Ministry of Health: National Health Strategic Plan 2006-2010. Lusaka, Zambia: Ministry of Health, Republic of Zambia; 2005....
More than half of rural health centres, the main ANC providers, and of health posts provided an inadequate level of service. Full size image Quality of ANC received by Zambian women While 98% of the 4148 women in the Zambia DHS 2007 attended ANC at least once and 94% attended at least ...
Early results of integrated malaria control and implications for the management of fever in under-five children at a peripheral health facility: a case stu... p pBackground/p pZambia has taken lead in implementing integrated malaria control so as to attain the National Health Strategic Plan goal...
the Health Insurance Board (HIB) is the purchaser of health services, and health facilities under the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) are the providers. The NHIP has been rolled out in all 77 districts. Several challenges have hindered the performance of NHIP at the policy...
HIV/AIDS and more recent controversies over LGBT rights, both of which brought international donor resources and governance, the issue of where and how to teach young people about sex became a new battleground over the state’s authority to govern the health and economic prosperity of its ...
While it is difficult to separate the impacts of global goals from the many other factors operating on state capacity, a study by Evans (2013) tracked the way in which the MDGs directly strengthened state capacity in Zambia. The Minister of Health responded to regional MDG meetings at which ...
National Strategic Plan on HIV, STI's and TB Limpopo Department of Health 被引量: 409发表: 2012年 A Controlled Study of an HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Intervention with Traditional Healers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Traditional healers play an important role in southern Africa culture and health care...
National and game parks have been strategies used to control natural ecosystems for centuries. However, their relevance has been made more acute owing to eminent threats like climate change and overexploitation by humankind. In this vein, the need to emp
The Government of Kenya, although it still lacks general consensus on traditional medicines, under the Development Plan of 1989–1993, recognized traditional medicine and made a commitment to promote the welfare of traditional health practitioners [3,33]. Madagascar Madagascar is ...
was to integrate rehabilitation through specific disease entry points (S009, S058, S003, S002, S014, S021, S025). One informant described this solution: "We don't need another international plan of reha- bilitation; we need to integrate rehabilitation in all parts of the health conditions…...