Central Board of Health: National Health Strategic Plan 2001-2005. Lusaka: Government of the Republic of Zambia; 2003 [http://www.cboh.gov.zm/documents/National20Strategic20Health20Plan20December20 22.pdf] accessed 20 December 2007.Ministry of Health (2005): National health strategic plan 2006...
Nepal’s modern healthcare system has a seven-decades-long history. The end of the 104-year reign of the Rana Dynasty in the 1950s opened the gate to the modern healthcare system [1]. From 1960 to 1990, various health facilities (HFs) were established, and several vertical public health...
HIV/AIDS and more recent controversies over LGBT rights, both of which brought international donor resources and governance, the issue of where and how to teach young people about sex became a new battleground over the state’s authority to govern the health and economic prosperity of its ...
While it is difficult to separate the impacts of global goals from the many other factors operating on state capacity, a study by Evans (2013) tracked the way in which the MDGs directly strengthened state capacity in Zambia. The Minister of Health responded to regional MDG meetings at which ...
More than half of rural health centres, the main ANC providers, and of health posts provided an inadequate level of service. Full size image Quality of ANC received by Zambian women While 98% of the 4148 women in the Zambia DHS 2007 attended ANC at least once and 94% attended at least ...
National and game parks have been strategies used to control natural ecosystems for centuries. However, their relevance has been made more acute owing to eminent threats like climate change and overexploitation by humankind. In this vein, the need to emp
in Kenya and Zambia; and updates in the epidemiological bulletin in Nigeria; and an agenda for an Online Workshop on Implementation Status and Reprioritization of Zimbabwe’s One Health Antimicrobial Resistance National Action Plan. The most comprehensive external progress reports found were the ...
Since infants are given prophylaxis within 72 hours of birth at the health facility, infants delivered at home have less chance to receive ARV prophylaxis than infants delivered in health facilities. An intervention study from Zambia gives some hope that dropouts and non-adherence to ARV prophylaxis...
Involving citizens late in the process renders the e-consultation exercise futile and a “lost opportunity,” as evident in the consultation experience of South Africa's Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2013–2020, where citizen's opinions did not find any place in the final ...
Then, throughThe Now NOW, Jewelry Week will look at aspects important to culture: education, activism, politics, equity, climate change, friendship, and health. The theme will examine jewelry that “responds to, reflects upon, or calls to action what is on the minds and in the h...