act provides for nma to be constituted with a chairperson and up to 5 whole time and 5 part time members each and a member secretary. director general of archaeological survey of india (dg asi) is an ex officio member of nma. the nma considers grant of permissions to applicants for ...
direct intervention of 18 multidisciplinary teams (EMM) constituted [...] 消除剥削童工计划》是一个具有国家 结 构的 项 目, 涉及18 个多学科小 组的直接干预,这些小组由来自不同领域的专业人士组成,在外地工作的这些专 业人士利用不同的服务,从学校、家庭和社会角度对处境危险的...
constitutional texts like to present themselves as talking in the name of the people, the demos from which they gain legitimacy. The most famous and lasting such reference makes the US Constitution speak in the name of ‘We the People’. Constitutional texts do not necessarily address the ...
The contention of CCC was that the form constituted a contract since the potential contest winners entered into a bargain-for-exchange when they applied. CCC’s argument was based on 42 USC § 1981, a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, and ethnicity when makin...
The Ministry of Textiles, Government of India has constituted the National Jute Board (NJB) in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 3 of the National Jute Board Act, 2008 (No.12 of 2009). Composition Of The National Jute Board (NJB) ...
The adherents of the National Republican party constituted a mixture of industrialists, business leaders, farmers, laborers, and mechanics, who believed in Clay's program of high tariffs, internal improvements, and a national bank. The main issue of the campaign was Jackson's veto of the ...
With regard to Congolese law, as the Council is aware, duly constituted international treaties and agreementstakeprecedenceovernational law. 关于刚果的法律,安理会知道,正式制定的国际条约和协议高于国内法。
The Questionnaire forms the basis for the twenty-nine national reports which were prepared as part of the research project ‘The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance’, funded by a five-year European Research Counci
Of note, Shell also argued at the trial court level that his obesity constituted an actual disability, rendering BNSF’s refusal to hire him based on this characteristic a violation of the ADA for this reason as well. However, as you may recall from our blog post from earlier this year, ...
From the point of view of identity it is assumed that the self-image produced by the human being is internalized in a dynamic process in which people both unfold and transform themselves. The identity constituted through these processes is in itself a continuous acculturation that constantly codifie...