The first section of the dissertation also examines the positioning of rhetoric and composition in historical texts as well as in journals published by the National Council of Teachers of English, concluding that the hierarchies often created between rhetoric and composition or theory and practice are...
are supported by the UK Wolfson Foundation, the UK Medical Research Council (MRC; grant number MC_UU_12010/unit programmes G0902418 and MC_UU_12025), MRC/BBSRC/ESPRC (grant number MR/K01577X/1) and the UK Wellcome Trust (grant Ref. 104924/14/Z/14). E.S. is also supported by an...
The mean of the three measurements was used. Development of centile curves Centile curves were constructed for men and women separately using the LMS method, which summarizes the data in terms of three smooth age-specific curves, namely L (lambda), M (mu) and S (sigma) [31]. The M and...
In the present study, we compare the biodiversity of the Delta and Lake Ngami (in terms of number of taxa) with two other similar systems found in a similar latitude: the Pantanal (in Brazil) and Kakadu (in northern Australia). The Pantanal is well studied, and also subject to a ...
The diets (Table 1) were isonitrogenous (150 g/kg DM of crude protein) and balanced according to the recommendations of the National Research Council (NRC, 2007). Table 1. Proportions of the ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets. ItemDietsa CONT7SOY14SOY21SOY ...
Indeed, dietary protein can provide the essential and nonessential amino acids to synthesize body proteins and in part, supply energy for fish and shrimp (NRC (National Research Council), 2011). Additionally, protein has been identified as a key factor to regulate the gonad maturation and ...
This study was supported by FAPESP—São Paulo Research Foundation—(Grant Numbers: Process 2019/01559-8 and Process 2020/03040-7), CNPq—National Council for Scientific and Technological Development—(Grant Number: Process 306892/2021-9), and CAPES—Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Educa...
Different pathogens can cause community-acquired pneumonia (CAP); however, the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has re-emphasized the vital role of respiratory viruses as a cause of CAP. The aim was to explore differe...
This study aimed to cross-calibrate body composition measures from the GE Lunar Prodigy and GE Lunar iDXA in a cohort of young children. 28 children (mean age 3.4 years) were measured on the iDXA followed by the Prodigy. Prodigy scans were subsequently reanalysed using enCORE v17 enhanced ana...
This study was supported by FORTE: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (2016–07179). The funders had no role in the research process and were not involved in the writing of the article. Availability of data and materials The datasets generated and analysed during the...