First North Growth Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares will be updated during the annual change on July 1, 2023 and additional information on the new auction segment will be set out in the Nasdaq Nordic INET Market Model effective July 3, 2023. To ensure that stakeholders which are impacted...
UnderNasdaq Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares,Supplement D, certain changes to the rulebook can only be made following consultation or agreement with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. To safeguard the interests of the issuers, the Confederation works continually to secure due anchoring ...
The last day for trading of the Company's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm expected to beJanuary 30, 2025, and the first day for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market is expected to beJanuary 31, 2025. The shareholders in Lucara are not required to take any measures in connection with the...
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Other than the specialized service fees in Section 115(e), upon cancellation, members are required to pay for service for the remainder of the month, regardless of whether it is the first month of service. *This fee that is otherwise applicable to the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility ...
Nasdaq First North is a marketplace for growth companies with strong investor demand, both among retail and institutional investors. As one of the most liquid and efficient cash equities markets inEurope, Nasdaq First North is currently home to more than 550 traded growth compa...
20Appendix B - New Fixed Income Instrument on FN ICE Fixed Income... 22Appendix C - Information to be included in the Prospectus or Company Description ... 24January
25 Appendix B - Application for admission to trading on First North Bond Market ... 27 Appendix C - Information that shall be included in the agreement between the Certified Adviser and the Issuer ... 29 Appendix D - Information regarding new or changed designated contact persons ... 30 App...