Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United States. It ran from 1959 through 1963 with the goal of putting a human in orbit around the Earth. The Mercury-Atlas 6 flight on February 20, 1962, was the first American flight to achieve this goal. Picture - John Glen...
Craters on Mercury appear to form the image of Mickey Mouse. This scene lies to the northwest of the recently named crater Magritte, in Mercury's south. The image is not map projected; the larger crater actually sits to the north of the two smaller ones. Date acquired: June 3, 2012. ...
At about 3 p.m. EST (2000 GMT), MarCO sent back the first picture of Mars. The photo is speckled with black dots - probably particles of dust picked up during InSight's harrowing descent through the Martian atmosphere, said Rob Manning, chief engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ...
journey_through_the_solar_system_2_mercury journey_through_the_solar_system_3_venus journey_through_the_solar_system_4_earth journey_through_the_solar_system_5_shoot_the_moon journey_through_the_solar_system_6_moon_and_man journey_through_the_solar_system_7_fourth_planet joy_...
Curiosity Navigation Cameras Spot Twilight Clouds on Sol 3075:Using the navigation cameras on its mast, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover took these images of clouds just after sunset on March 31, 2021, the 3,075th sol, or Martian day, of the mission. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech ...
2019-12-02: Mercury Crosses a Quiet Sun Astronomy Picture of the Day (NASA APOD) 其它视频 0:45 02.08.2016: A Rocket Booster Falls Back to Earth 21 人观看 0:17 05.04.2016: Cancri 55 e: Climate Patterns on a Lava World ...
At about 3 p.m. EST (2000 GMT), MarCO sent back the first picture of Mars. The photo is speckled with black dots - probably particles of dust picked up during InSight's harrowing descent through the Martian atmosphere, said Rob Manning, chief engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ...
We also wanted to identify as many of the nonastronauts in each picture as possible and give them credit, since most were nameless NASA, contractor or military personnel in the original caption information. The rank-and-file space workers on the ground were critical to the success of the prog...
While no surface detail is visible, "this pale blue dot is a succinct summary of who we were on July 19," Linda Spilker,the Cassini project scientist, said in NASA's statement. "Cassini's picture reminds us how tiny our home planet is in the vastness of space, and also testifies to...
Artemis 2 astronaut Jeremy Hansen took this picture of a totem pole during a vision quest with the Turtle Lodge. The lodge is situated on the Indigenous lands of Sagkeeng First Nation (also known as Fort Alexander), Manitoba, Canada, on the southern tip of Lake Winnipeg.(Image credit: Jere...