Friday, January 10, 2025: The BepiColombo spacecraft has made its sixth and final flyby of the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, capturing some incredible images of the tiny world. The photos offer tantalizing hints about some of the mysteries BepiColombo will investigate when it moves into...
The project name came from Mercury, a Roman mythological god often seen as a symbol of speed. Mercury is also the name of the innermost planet of the Solar System, which moves faster than any other and hence provides an image of speed, although Project Mercury had no real connection to th...
Friday, January 10, 2025: The BepiColombo spacecraft has made its sixth and final flyby of the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, capturing some incredible images of the tiny world. The photos offer tantalizing hints about some of the mysteries BepiColombo will investigate when it moves into...
Modern space exploration started with the launching of the Sputnik satellite in October of 1957. The Space Age had begun. Check out an image of the first American astronauts on the next page. The Mercury Seven was the first group of American astronauts. The group was assembled from a pool ...
The Saturn V rocket carried three astronauts to the moon. NASA/Newsmakers Here's the Saturn V rocket again, lifting off on July 16, 1969, from the Kennedy Space Center. Compliments of an Atlas rocket, Project Mercury launched the first American into space in 1962. NASA/Space Frontiers/Ge...
The lunar features shown in the image are not familiar to most people as they are never visible from Earth, and have never been actually seen by anyone except the Apollo astronauts, save in photographs of the far side, which look a bit boring since there are no maria to relieve the ...
The orbiter carries astronauts and payload such as satellites or space station parts into low earth orbit, into the Earth's upper atmosphere or thermosphere. Usually, five to seven crew members ride in the orbiter. Two crew members, the Commander and Pilot, are sufficient for a minimal flight...
modern world, the consequences are much more dire: Scientists believe a similar solar storm could cause continent-wide power failures and destroy communication and navigation satellites orbiting Earth. It could also jeopardize the lives of astronauts living and working aboard the International Space ...
This activity can send powerful streams of solar particles into space that could harm astronauts or damage satellites. The Solar Orbiter was designed to observe such activity. NASA says the spacecraft's instruments can collect data on the solar material and measure it. Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla is...
Before the flip happens, there is a major increase in solar activity. This activity can send powerful streams of solar particles into space that could harm astronauts or damage satellites. The Solar Orbiter was designed to observe such activity. NASA says the spacecraft’s instruments can collect...