The Sun is a powerful star. As the center of our solar system, it’s hard to ignore the massive ball of energy responsible for delivering light and heat to our planet. To showcase thetrue power of the Sun, though, NASA recently shared a new solar flare image that captures a flare see...
NASA has released the first image from inside the sun’s atmosphere and it is ground-breaking. The photo was taken by the Parker Solar Probe, which is fitted with Israeli-engineered sensors that are helping capture these first-ever high-resolution images. The Parker Solar Probe spacecraft is ...
article (NASA) OUTER SPACE - NASA is sharing a photo of the Sun looking like a jack-o-lantern. The photo was taken in 2014 and shows "active regions" on the Sun creating the spooky face. The image was taken in ultraviolet light by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite....
For the most part, the Sun gets plenty of attention from astronomers. Its surface, or photosphere, bristles with sunspots and erupts with powerful flares. Its outer atmosphere, or corona, shimmers with gossamer arcs mapped out by magnetic field lines. B... 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which began its operations on October 1, 1958, we offer this list of the 50 most memorable images from NASA’s history (see all 50 in the photo gallery below). We recognize that any such ranking ...
This is the first time, NASA said, that the sun rays, also known as crepuscular rays, have been viewed so clearly. NASA shared a glimpse at what the rover had captured on their Twitter account. The photo shows a grey sky over a rocky black landscape, with patches of red and green ...
In this photo taken from the International Space Station, the rising Sun casts long shadows across the Philippine Sea. Credit: NASA Have you ever worn a dark T-shirt on a sunny day and felt the fabric warm in the Sun’s rays? Most of us know dark colors absorb sunlight and light color...
In the computer-enhanced ultraviolet photo, you can see a model of the sun's magnetic-field lines swirling out of the star's surface the way they appeared on Aug. 10, 2018. Each white line represents a powerful electromagnetic eruption resulting from high-energy interactions between the ultra...
Eruption on the sun NASA/SDO Eruption on the sun NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory documented a dramatic solar event on March 2, 2012. This explosion, appearing on the right side of the sun in the photograph, is called a “prominence eruption.” The prominence is made up of plasma—matter...